Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - DirtyDieselDogg


cough cough

I ud ave thought, that with the prevelance of smart technologies, this information should NOT need to be signposted.

Ditto for much other superflous signs.

Better to programme a satnav or smartphone to instruct and guide the Driver


Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - brum

Compared to other countries (I'm thinking Poland), the UK has balanced and well thought out signage.

In Poland they suffer from signage diarrhea. All sorts of signs placed virtually on top of each other, no chance of taking it in when passing at the designated speed. They are also keen to show starts of speed limits, but never sign the end. Speed limits can change 3 times in 200 metres. Local councils put all sorts of krap up to confuse you. As for directions....dont ask.

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - NorthernBoy

Always seems to me that when you need a sign its not there but when you dont they are everywhere!

Sods law!

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - Snakey

Take a trip through the minging turd that is the tyne tunnel and see if you can actually count the number of signs, let alone read them all! And thats not including the one telling you who to vote for in the xfactorcomedancing final.

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - NorthernBoy

Forgot about the good old 'someone from Tyneside is in the final of a TV talent show that has long been past its best' signs at the tyne tunnel!

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - Engineer Andy

If you think its worse in Poland, it must be REALLY BAD there!

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - Bolt

And theres me thinking London was the worst for signs ;)

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - Leif

For a non Londoner the place is a nightmare. And there are road markings I don't see elsewhere such as red lines, WTF do they mean? Yes I know I can loo them up online, but how do I know before going that I have to look up the meaning of London specific road markings? And if I contravene them, I get done, no ifs no buts.

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - alan1302

For a non Londoner the place is a nightmare. And there are road markings I don't see elsewhere such as red lines, WTF do they mean? Yes I know I can loo them up online, but how do I know before going that I have to look up the meaning of London specific road markings? And if I contravene them, I get done, no ifs no buts.

They are mentioned in the Highway Code :-)

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - Smileyman

it would help if the signs were clean, visible and facing the correct direction ... for instance many signs in Kent are obscured by vegetation.... pointless being there really

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - Bolt

it would help if the signs were clean, visible and facing the correct direction ... for instance many signs in Kent are obscured by vegetation.... pointless being there really

Pointless them being in London really, there are too many to look at, and its hard to find the one you want while driving(good thing for sat navs eh)

I think Kent signs at least are easy to see (when theyre not hidden)

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - Andrew-T

<< Pointless them being in London really, there are too many to look at, and its hard to find the one you want while driving >>

Not only that, they are just more road furniture for vehicles (and pedestrians and cyclists) to crash into - but I suppose a weak case could be made for the obstruction of ram-raiders. Ideally the whole lot should be tidied up and rationalised.

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - Leif

My favourite recent one was a portable trainagular sign on my side of the road, in the road, creating an easy to hit hazard, warning me of a hazard ahead, on the other side of the road. :)

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - focussed

The next time you are driving on a rural road at night with no other traffic about, switch to main beam headlights and marvel at the sheer number and variety of retro-reflective road signs that conspire to dazzle you when using main beam. Totally unecessary signage most of it IMHO.

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - madf

The worst locally is leaving our town. 30 mph limit. Warning sign saying danger, slow down. Then 25 meters on, a 40 mph limit sign ..

Whomever thought that up deserves re-education - in Siberia.

Government announces a campaign for fewer signs - Bromptonaut

The worst locally is leaving our town. 30 mph limit. Warning sign saying danger, slow down. Then 25 meters on, a 40 mph limit sign ..

So let me get this right. Thirty limit (and probably street lighting) end as you exit urban area. Still lots of side turnings though so new limt is 40.

At same point there's a blind bend, summit or other hazard which requires a SLOW sign.

Unless you treat speed limit as a minimum what's the problem?