As seen by dvd:
Under Section 87 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 there is an exemption from exceeding a speed limit:
No statutory provision imposing a speed limit on motor vehicles shall apply to any vehicle on an occasion when it is being USED FOR AMBULANCE or police purposes, if the observance of that provision would be likely to hinder the use of the vehicle for the purpose for which it is being used on that occasion.
This also applies to serious Crime Squad but only if undergoing or has completed a driver training course.
Ambulance purpose is NOT defined in the Act
Wilkinsons Traffic Law tells us that a car taking a casualty to hospital in an urgent case is being used for ambulance purposes.
Similar exemption applies in relation to failing to conform to a Traffic Sign (Lights)
But - this does not negate in either case a prosecution for driving dangerously or carelessly.
Looking at ‘Blue Lamps’
Under Reg 3 (interpretation section) of Road Vehicles Lighting Regs 1969
“Emergency vehicle” is defined as:
A motor vehicle of any of the following descriptions–
(a) vehicle used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes;
“Special warning lamp”
A lamp, fitted to the front or rear of a vehicle, capable of emitting a blue flashing light and not any other kind of light.
“Warning beacon” A lamp that is capable of emitting a flashing or rotating beam of light throughout 360° in the horizontal plane.
Under Reg 11 stipulated vehicles not to show a light other than red to the rear except:
(k) blue light from a warning beacon or rear special warning lamp fitted to an emergency vehicle.
However the Regs says this in relation to fitting a blue light:
Restrictions on fitting blue warning beacons, special warning lamps and similar devices
16. No vehicle, other than an EMERGENCY vehicle,( go back to top for definition) shall be fitted with–
(a)a blue warning beacon or special warning lamp, or
(b)a device which resembles a blue warning beacon or a special warning lamp, whether the same is in working order or not.
Schedules to the regulations give chapter and verse as to where and how blue lamps are to be fitted.
So in the posters position in his own private vehicle in the emergency situation mentioned it appears he can exceed the speed limit but not wishing I presume to draw attention to his plight it seems he can have a ‘blue light strobes’ fitted whilst on the journey but NOT before or after. One could IMHO therefore look at the possibility of having his car wired up so that if the occasion arose clip on lamps could be attached and removed after the journey had been completed when they would no longer be fitted.
If the poster goes ahead with the lights then I suggest he have a word with a Supervisory Officer at his local Plodshop, explain his position and ask if at all possible to put a marker on his vehicle on PNC. Seen speeding Police would follow and immediately do a PNC check and as a result be updated the reason for the emergency run.