Ford Focus eco - Can I return a new 2.5 year old Ford Focus - Dave_m

I would like some help on what my options are:

11 months after purchasing my brand new car from Ford there was a major coolant leak which led to the engine having to be replaced (it took 7 weeks to fix). This was due to a faulty coolant pipe, and it was fixed under warranty.

Approx 12 months later the car was brought back to Ford under a general recall notice (to replace the faulty coolant pipe).

At the time they said it had been replaced when it first went, however they noticed crack in the coolant tank, and replaced it.

2 months later the engine went again due to the coolant pipe cracking (apparantly they did not replace it after all), and it is currently in the garage getting fixed.

This is the third time the car has been in the garage, and for a new car it has been in the garage almost three months out of 2 years and 5 months of ownership.

My main concern is that the car will be out of warranty in a matter of months and I have no confidence that it will not happen again.

Can I reject the car? Or is there some other course of act I should pursue? The dealership thinks it is reasonable that if they fix the car we should take it back?

thoughts please?

Edited by Dave_m on 21/09/2015 at 15:12

Ford Focus eco - Can I return a new 2.5 year old Ford Focus - galileo

The dealership thinks it is reasonable that if they fix the car we should take it back?

thoughts please?

To quote Mandy Rice-Davis at the Profumo trial, "they would say that wouldn't they"

Realistically you can't reject a car after more than 2 years; if you aren't happy to keep it after their latest repair I'd suggest you trade it in (not necessarily to this dealer) and buy another car (not necessarily the same make /model)

A common belief among forum members (and many people in the motor trade) is that Japanese/Korean designed cars tend to be reliable and built to exacting quality standards.

Ford Focus eco - Can I return a new 2.5 year old Ford Focus - RobJP

Agree with Galileo : you almost certainly wouldn't be able to reject a car after 2.5 years of ownership.

If you would prefer to keep the car, then you can get a Ford extended warranty (but do check as to what is or is not covered first), and it's always worth asking Ford (or the dealer) to reduce the cost somewhat.

Apart from that, either gamble that it will remain reliable in the future, or change it before the warranty runs out.

Ford Focus eco - Can I return a new 2.5 year old Ford Focus - Dave_m

Thanks galileo.

The main concern I have is being out of pocket if there is another coolant issue and the engine goes again.

I have very little experience dealing with these types of issues.

Are there any other options open in these types of cases. For instance should I then push for an extended warranty in case something else goes wrong?



Ford Focus eco - Can I return a new 2.5 year old Ford Focus - Dave_m

thanks RobJP, just saw your post after I had posted mine.

Ford Focus eco - Can I return a new 2.5 year old Ford Focus - RT

Warranty is everything (well almost everything) - I'm about to sell my Hyundai Santa Fe and move on, I've been protected from costs by their 5 year warranty but it's been a case of "if it can go wrong, it will" so I'm not prepared to take any risk outside warranty, someone else can do that.

If you can get an extended warranty, with a dealer/manufacturer contribution then take it but plan to move on before it ends.

Any brand, literally, can produce a "wrong 'un" so avoid "cutting your nose off to spite your face" - most things that go wrong on high volume models can be fixed cost-effectively by independents.

Ford Focus eco - Can I return a new 2.5 year old Ford Focus - Dave_m

thanks all....things have actually got worse.

FORD Finance came back to us yesterday and told us it would take 8 weeks until they get back to us with an answer. Given the sensible comments above we decide to pick the car up without prejudice I. E we don't expect to get far with this so lets move on.

However on the drive hone we noticed white smoke coming out of the exhaust., called Ford Assist they are towing the car back to the garage today

So where do we stand we have to wait for another so called fix.


Ford Focus eco - Can I return a new 2.5 year old Ford Focus - RobJP

Your position is exactly the same as it was a few days ago : they take it in, (hopefully) fix it, and give it back to you.

If anything, this latest breakdown gives you a bit more ammunition for getting a cheaper (or free) extended warranty from Ford, if you decided to go down that route.

However, I've just had a quick look at Ford's website, and (if I'm reading it correctly) it appears that the cooling system is excluded from the extended warranty. However, that's just a quick glance, so don't take it as gospel !

Personally, once it's fixed this time, I'd be getting rid of it (WBAC, other buying sites, part-ex, etc). NOT private sale, as if you've had a shedload of problems then you're morally (if not legally) obliged to disclose that to prospective buyers. With WBAC particularly, it's almost certain to end up going through the auctions.