Hopefully I have posted this in the correct forum. I have done some searching but nothing necessarily helps in my situation...
My mother passed away a fortnight ago and her car is currently sitting on her driveway. I am her executor. As it stands car insurance is at the bottom of the pile for notifying of the death so I have not yet informed her insurer, although I have informed the DVLA (not sent the V5 off yet).
The car is an 06 reg Peugeot hatchback (can't recall the precise model) which is missing several bits of trim and has a large dent in one side. It was my brother's old car and I think it might have been an insurance write-off (non-economical repair) although it is now back on the road. Also, the head gasket is on its way out, so safe to say the car is probably only worth a trivial amount.
I don't know if I can be bothered with jumping through hoops organising temporary insurance cover and change of ownership to myself, especially as the plan is to take the car to Webuyanycar and see what nominal amount they can give us for it as nobody now wants the car! Can I 'dispose' of the car in this way now, or will I need to first send off the v5 to register it in my name / SORN and insure it / wait for probate etc etc?