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MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - worried Nan

My grandson 19 was hit when he was turning right into side road by a carcoming from behind and overtaking several vehicles. He and his passenger (his Mum) were both seriously injured in accident. Both cars were taken to compound by Police, and are still there 2 months later. Grandson had no legal cover and Insurance say they cannot examine car as it's in Police compound so cannot make him an offer so he can replace the car. He is due to start back work in 3 weeks and needs the money to buy another car for work. With no legal cover what should he do next and how can they claim for injuries which in his Mum's case are life changing and long term. What should they both disabled, should grandson see alocal solicitor? Should his Mum go to Injuries Lawyers (several rang the house after accident) What can I advise them both

MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - FP

My sincere condolences for such a nasty turn of events.

Firstly, I'd be very wary of any firms of lawyers trying to get business from this. I'm not saying your grandson and your daughter-in-law (presumably?) won't need legal representation, but it should be on your terms.

One thing I don't understand: "Grandson had no legal cover..." vis-à-vis "Insurance say they cannot examine car as it's in Police compound so cannot make him an offer..." If he was not covered, surely he won't be getting an offer anyway.

There may well be the basis of legal action against the overtaking driver.

I'm not sure we've got the full facts yet.

But I'm pretty certain that at the very least legal advice should be sought; Citizens' Advice or a free introductory session with a solicitor specialising in traffic matters would be a good start.

MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - worried Nan

Hi Grandson is 'fully' insured but didn't take out the option for legal cover as he's only 19 and the Insurance was very expensive anyway and legal cover was an extra so sadly no one realised he hadn't until the accident. I have been talking to a friend who is in a similar type of situation and he says the Police will hang on to the car until they either charge the other guy who caused the collision or decide not to proceed with it. So the Insurance company won't be making an offer on the car and any contents for some time - is that correct ?

MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - FP

Sorry - I get you. I misread.

It seems odd the police want to hang on to the car when they've had plenty of time to gather the evidence they need.

I think I'd be pressurising them over that - not sure how.

Maybe DVD can advise?

MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - gordonbennet

I'm no expert, far from it, but it sounds to me like your grandsons claim is with the other driver's insurer.

However aside from that, make sure him and his mother are not pressured into accepting a much lower offer than they otherwise should be entitled to for their injuries....forgetting the car at this point.

It may take a very long time before things are processed and negotiated fully, medical eximanations, reports etc...and it's in the insurers interests to keep the ball rolling as long as possible knowing full well that most people in this situation won't have the necessary funds in back up and will feel pressured to accept a lower payment, any payment, to clear their possible mounting debts if nothing else if they have been unable to work and full sick pay wasn't forthcoming.

I cannot stress this highly enough having seen the pressures to accept on my best freind following a serious industrial accident which put him at home for a year...fortunately like us he didn't p his money up the wall over the years prior and was able to hold firm for the full amount however long it may have taken (plus he's the most stubborn man, after my late dad, i know), over 2 years in his case.

Your grandson only needs a £500 banger to get to work, so steer him in the right path.

He needs proper legal representation however its funded.

Edited by gordonbennet on 09/02/2015 at 19:39

MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - Falkirk Bairn

A former colleague at work was starved into taking a low compensation settlement. Drunk driver being chased by a police car took the front off his 7/8 year old Focus.

Write-off, 3rd party insurance only

New house & new baby and a non-working wife. He was in hospital for 3/4 days and recuperated at home for a week but had to get back to work as he was limited to 2 weeks sick pay from the employer.

3rd Party insurer stood back "to assess the position". The Police Insurer quickly denied any contributory blame...... he needed another car even for the domestic side of wife & 3 x kids far less work access.

Settled for £2700 for car (most went to pay off the Finance @ his bank) and £750 personal damages (it took him months to recover and surely merited a lot more).

I waited 2 years for compensation - 4pm on the day before the court case the 3rd party admitted liability and offered £4,500, + £800 car damage and £1,500 lawyers bill -

I would have settled for £1,000 + Car damage and no lawyer's bill if they had come clean and admitted liability on day 1 but after 2 years hassle I had no qualms about taking the £4,500.

Even after agreeing to pay the Insurer, near Norwich Cathedral, only sent a cheque after I wrote to a Director at his home address complaining of the 3 month delay after the settlement was agreed!

MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - Armitage Shanks {p}

Apologies for apparent thread drift. Some of you may find this site useful. www.ceoemail.com/

A friend of mine was refused a €250 compensation claim for a delayed flight, he went through the normal precedure and was refused on the basis (amazingly) that an unserviceable aircraft was not the responsibility of the airline. Sent a letter to the CEO and got the money within 3 weeks. The people at the bottom of the tree seem happy to reject claims and shrug their shoulders; when the instruction to deal with the matter comes from top and is delegated downwards the results seem good. Worth a try!

MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - skidpan

Legal cover is not expensive, adds about £25 to an annual policy. Its invaluable when you need it.

We have 4 cars in the househould thus buying for each car is £100. We got a 4 car lgal policy with exactly the same level of cover as the insurance company offers for the grand sum of £18.

But legal cover will not get your car sorted faster or a settlement made any quicker. Legal cover is only for the recpovery of uninsurred losses and personal injury. Nothing to do with getting more for your write off.

Edited by skidpan on 10/02/2015 at 17:47

MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - Brit_in_Germany

Your grandson's mum should definitely seek legal advice on her own behalf in view of her injuries. Her claim would either be against the driver of the other vehicle or against her son, via his insurance. Through no fault of her own, as you say she has life changing injuries and needs to be able to cope with these financially. Is there any reason why the insurance companies cannot inspect the vehicle under police supervision in order to get the claim moving?

MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - scot22

Thanks AS very useful post, put that site on my favourites for if/when needed.

Re original post it all seems straightforward as to guilt ( I was hit by a car overtaking as I turned right - no problems with insurance ) Therefore should be very little, if any, reason for successful claims.

Nothing to add to good advice already given.

MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - worried Nan
Apparently from what we've be
MINI Cooper and Cooper S - Insured but no legal cover serious accident - slkfanboy
Maybe this is a good reason to get a company to handle your claim and provide a car while it's sorted. I asume the other driver was insured if i understood the OP.