Hi .. I have a Combo C 2002 petrol van which had a toasted engine. So I obtained a similar (originally I thought identical) engine from a 2004 Combo C van and swapped them over. Now there is no fuel pressure and in fact no power to the fuel pump. Both engines have a 6 way connector (only four ways are used) that inludes a blue/red wire that carries 12v to the fuel pump. But the two engines have a different style of connector, so are not directly interchangeable. However we have traced the wiring and determined that the blue/red wire passing through this connector actually carries 12v to the pump, and putting 12v onto this wire makes the fuel pump run. So far so good.
But when we connect the 4 connector wires, color to color, the fuel pump doesnt run. We have checked the fuse and is OK.
Can anybody watching explain what actually turns on the power to the fuel pump and how the pressure regulation system works. I presume that the ECU controls all of this, but am not sure.I am tempted to just hotwire 12v onto that blue/red wire..but am fearful that the pressure regulation might involve fedback via the ECU so could have a bad outcome.
Any information would be helpful. TIA.