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Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

The evidence that the Apollo moon missions were faked in a studio is crushing. The US government can't censor the evidence that's on the internet but it can bury it with disinformation and obfuscation. If you enter "Apollo hoax" in Google, you'll find about fifteen pro-Apollo sites for every hoax site. I made a collection of some of the hoax evidence the government is trying to bury.

(If these links don't work, do a YouTube search on "Apollo 15 flag waving")

At the 2 minute 35 second mark of the video the flag is still. When the astronaut goes past it, it starts to move.



The above video refutes this attempt by the government to mislead the public.

There's a noticeable difference in the body movements in these two clips.

What I hypothesize is that a fifty percent slow-motion was used in Apollo 11 to simulate lunar gravity. Later, they improved their methods of simulating lunar gravity and started using a combination of slow-motion and support wires. The slow-motion in the later missions might not have been exactly half-speed. It might have been sixty five or seventy percent of natural speed. It looked better but it was inconsistent with Apollo 11 footage. The inconsistency is apparent.

At around the 21 minute mark of this video the above footage from Apollo 11 can be seen played at double speed.
(If the above link doesn't work, do a YouTube search on "Conspiracy Theory : Did We Land on the Moon ?")

It can also be seen in this video at around the 30 minute 40 second mark.

(The above video "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon" keeps going on and off-line. If the above link is dead, click here)


It looks just like movement in earth gravity.
When the footage from this clip is doubled, the movements look unnaturally fast.

Here it is doubled.

When the Apollo 11 footage is doubled, the movements look natural. This makes it very clear that they used a simple fifty percent slow-motion to simulate lunar gravity in Apollo 11 and a faster slow-motion (around 67 percent according to Jarrah White's calculations) combined with wire supports in the later missions.


Watch how the corner of Collins' jacket moves in this clip.
(00:52 time mark)

The corner of Collins' jacket swings back and forth the way it would in gravity.

If the above link is dead, the footage can be seen here.
(17:40 time mark)

It's necessary to download the "Veoh video player" to be able to see it. It's free.

Look at the corners of the jacket the woman astronaut is wearing in this clip.

That is real zero-gravity and they behave quite differently.

The movement of Collins' jacket corner is very different from that of the straps in this clip which is in zero-G.
(3:17 time mark)

It looks the same as the movement of this guy's jacket corners in gravity.

One possible explanation is that they were trying to fake zero-gravity in a diving plane and the plane wasn't diving fast enough at that point.

There is no blast crater under the lander.

That is discussed in this four part video series.


Look at the size of the reflection of the sun in the astronaut's visor at the beginning of this video.

Now look at the reflection of the sun in the visor in this picture at the top of this page.

It's pretty clear that the reflection in the Apollo astronaut's visor is that of a big light. Here's an article about that.

Also, look at the reflection of the sun in the astroanut's visor in this video at the 1:25 time mark.

At bottom of this page there's a picture of the astronaut's visor that has in it the reflection of what looks like some kind of studio light.

Here's some evidence that they used wire supports to fake lunar gravity.

The moon rocks are often presented as proof the missions were real. There are plausible explanations that would explain them.


People say the Soviets would have snitched. There are explanations for that too:

Well, why did they keep faking the Apollo flights, I still don't understand. Did the Soviet Union know it was faked? Why did they keep shut up if they knew it was faked? 'Cause a lot of people would think they kept the moon race going to prove the U.S. was better than the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union knew, why did they let the U.S. get away with this?
Well, I'll tell you - at the highest levels there is a coalition between governments. In other words, the Soviets said, if you won't tell on us - and they faked most of their space exploration flights - we won't tell on you. It's as simple as that. See, what Apollo is, is the beginning of the end of the ability of the government to hoodwink and bamboozle and manipulate the people. More and more people are becoming aware in the U.S. that the government is totally and completely public enemy number one.

The Soviets, with their own competing moon program and an intense economic and political and military rivalry with the USA, could be expected to have cried foul if the USA tried to fake a Moon landing. Theorist Ralph Rene responds that shortly after the alleged Moon landings, the USA silently started shipping hundreds of thousands of tons of grain as humanitarian aid to the allegedly starving USSR. He views this as evidence of a cover-up, the grain being the price of silence. (The Soviet Union in fact had its own Moon program).

Everyone should read Chomsky's analysis of the cold war.
On the domestic front, the Cold War helped the Soviet Union entrench its military-bureaucratic ruling class in power, and it gave the US a way to compel its population to subsidise high-tech industry. It isn't easy to sell all that to the domestic populations. The technique used was the old stand-by-fear of a great enemy.

It someone were to make a deathbed statement saying the moon missions were faked, the press would never report it as the press is controlled.

Also, it would be downright dangerous for someone to come forward. Look what happened to these guys.

Science journals are controlled too.


Here are some videos.
(6 parts. If the link doesn't work, do a YouTube search on "Was is Only a Paper Moon?")


What Happened on the Moon" (documentary)

Here are some articles.
(Wagging the Moondoggie)


(Bill Kaysing's book)

The astronauts look pretty nervous at the press conference.

Here's a link to the entire conference.

This keeps going on and offline so if this link is dead, try googling "Apollo 11 press conference".

Their behavior look pretty suspicious here too.

The main reason they had to fake it was probably space radiation. Here are some articles and videos I've found on the subject.

There is an old saying that "A liar needs a good memory". Nowhere is this more true than in the Apollo program. NASA tell lies to cover up previous lies, and other discrepancies uncovered by people investigating the Moon landings. Altering previous data, removing photographs, and retracting statements made, only re-enforces the evidence that NASA are on the run, and being forced into a corner to which they cannot escape. The actions of those under investigation makes the investigator more aware they are bluffing. The longer that person, or persons, who make the extravagant claims continue, the more lies they have to tell in order to counteract it, until it reaches the point where it becomes ridiculous. That point was passed in July 1999, when NASA officials were questioned about the Moon landings on television. They dodged the all important questions like a drifter dodges the heat.
Many Apollo astronauts have long since died, as to have many of the original NASA officials involved in the scam, consequently current officials, who know that Apollo was a fake, have not quite got it right when talking openly in public. Perhaps the biggest slip of the tongue was made by NASA Chief Dan Goldin when interviewed by UK TV journalist Sheena McDonald in 1994. He said that mankind cannot venture beyond Earth orbit, 250 miles into space, until they can find a way to overcome the dangers of cosmic radiation. He must have forgot that they supposedly sent 27 astronauts 250,000 miles outside Earth orbit 36 years earlier.

two sets of radiation data
To prove his thesis, Rene tries to get certain solar data from NATIONAL
disguise his true intentions, [i.e. to get true data on solar flares.] NOAA,
unfortunately, proved to be as cagey as Rene in dodging the giving out of any
really good DETAILS on this matter, [you know, where the devil resides.]
Rene, seeing games being played, deduced that there must be two sets of data,
one which is sent to scientists on the preferred list, and one sent to the
likes of Rene as casual strangers. (p.125)

These two are important

(23 parts)

The Chinese space walks were obviously faked in a water tank and NASA's official position is that the Chinese space walks were real.

The pro-Apollo posters at the forums of both the "Clavius" and "Bad Astronomy" websites tap danced around the evidence that the Chinese space walk was faked because they have to agree with the official US government version and they can't say it was faked without looking silly. Here are the threads. They're hilarious.


They pretty much destroyed the credibility of those two sites when they didn't seriously address the evidence.

It's pretty clear that they're government damage-control sites.

Here's some good research if anyone wants to delve further.

On this thread there's a debate between Jarrah White and Jay Windley.

Jay Windley is the most famous pro-Apollo person on the internet.

Jarrah White is the main hoax-believer on the internet.

In this video Jarrah says he stopped posting in that debate because the moderator was deleting his posts.

Jay Windley will only debate where the moderator will ride to his rescue when he's cornered.

Here's some more stuff about Clavius and Bad Astronomy.

There are reasons for why scientists don't come forward and say Apollo was a hoax.

Q: Why do prominent astronomers like Sir Bernard Lovell and Patrick Moore support the Moon landings if they were faked?

A: Scientists and astronomers around the globe know full well that the Moon missions were faked, but rely on NASA to gain access to the vital data beamed back to Earth from the Hubble space telescope. They cannot slag off NASA otherwise NASA would deprive them of this essential information, which they so much require.
Q: What about the vast number of people involved in Apollo, wouldn’t someone have spoken out.

A: Pan’s claim there were half a million people involved in the Apollo program, but that includes all the humble engineers working on machine parts in many companies around the globe. So if someone is making a part in some engineering factory in Seattle, and his boss tells him it’s for the Apollo spacecraft, is that engineer proof the landings took place? No of course it is not proof, and even if that engineer knew they never made it to the Moon, he would still brag to his friends that he made a part that went to the Moon just to make him feel proud in some way or other. Parts for the Apollo program were made at many different factories around the globe. For example the laser reflector supposedly left on the Moon was manufactured in France. NASA collected the unit from the French company, and that was the last they saw of it. It’s probably stashed away in some archive at Langley, but one things for certain it’s not on the Moon. Are those French engineers proof they landed on the Moon? No of course not, as very few, (probably less than 200 people), were actually involved in bringing the whole lot together, so as to minimize what was actually taking place. No need for any of them to speak out because (A) They are 100% patriotic to the USA, and would say nothing that would go against America, even if it were true. ( <*** style="line-height: 19.6000003814697px; padding: 0px; border-width: 0px; max-width: 100%; color: #333333; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; background-color: #e1ebf2;" title="Cool" src="https://col131.mail.live.com/Handlers/ImageProxy.mvc?bicild=&canary=6yHHwLp%2bIikZjhFa%2bOQDl73IfPMOt%2bwFjf4xfsrc4pg%3d0&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.debunkingskeptics.com%2fforum%2fimages%2fsmili...f" alt=":cool:" /> They do not need millions of dollars to safeguard their future, as they have already received substantial amounts from NASA just to “keep mum”. Read comments from people who worked on the Apollo program in the APOLLO FEEDBACK section.

They may have faked the Mars missions too. Do a YouTube search on "MarsFaker" or click on this link. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=MarsFaker&oq=MarsFaker&aq=f&aqi=g-sL1&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=71968l75750l0l78125l11l11l1l0l0l0l203l1252l3.6.1l10l0
Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - RobJP

Don't forget your tinfoil hat, so that the lizards in charge can't read your mind.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Bromptonaut

Presumably the moddies will delete this rollox in the fullness of time.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

Why would an objective moderator delete it? If a theory is wrong, it will fall by its own lack of merit. Censorship is only necessary when a lie is being defended.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - RobJP

Why would an objective moderator delete it? If a theory is wrong, it will fall by its own lack of merit. Censorship is only necessary when a lie is being defended.

I have a theory. Those who espouse these conspiracy theories are mentally deranged and in need of locking up in a straitjacket.

My theory has as much proof as yours does - probably more, actually, as I've given my theory a little bit of thought, whereas you've just copy-pasted something that some other conspiracy theorist has spouted. You are guilty of the most important scientific sin : you have not taken a critical, dispassionate look at the evidence.

You are biased to believe the theory you have posted; you have decided that those are the facts, your mind is closed to the alternative (that the landings really happened), and as the old saying goes "A closed mind goes nowhere".

How do you explain the pictures showing the moon rover, still there after all these years ? Of course, you don't. They're yet another fake, put out there by the lizardmen. Your closed mind will twist anything tyo fit your conspiracy theory.

Think about it this way : if a government could fake this, then another government could uncover the fake, and an unfriendly one would make sure the reality got out there. The USSR would have done so, back in the bad old days. The fact that they did not do so speaks volumes.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

I dealt with the issue of the USSR snitching in the first post. Go back and read it. Pictures are fakable so any picture, especially ones provided by NASA, aren't proof of anything. Tell us what you think of the anomaly of the flag moving which is the first piece of evidence I dealt with; it's at the top of post #1. That closes the case all by itself.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - dadbif
Well documented Drifty, I have been labelled a crank, conspiracy theorist etc for years, but I agree with you.
Watched the live TV and couldn't believe it.
Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

Greetings dadbif

I was about thirteen when I watched it. I thought it was real but it was a big letdown. I was expecting to see some specatular jumps in one sixth G. They simulated lunar gravity in the Apollo 11 mission with a crude 50% slow motion. If the speed is doubled, it looks just like movement in earth gravity. That particular anomaly is in post #1.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - FP

People love this sort of stuff - well, some people. They feel they are the sceptical, intelligent people who know better, who know the "real" story, while the rest of us are gullible idiots. In some way they are compensating for a lack of influence that exists in their own lives, probably. Really, they and their ideas are insignificant.

There is, of course, a political angle - as in Orwell's Nineteen Eight-Four, we the ordinary people are seen as the victims of a malign government who without scruple manipulate the evidence to suit their own agenda.

The whole conspiracy theory about the moon landings has been around for ages. It's mildly amusing, really, if a little pathetic and not terribly clever.

Stand by for Drifty's version of 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, the Holocaust, Christ's marriage to Mary Magdalene, the Icke theory of alien reptiles, the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, and Area 51.

There may be some others...

Edited by FP on 08/12/2014 at 19:35

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

Hey FP Let's hear your analysis of this anomaly. Start watching it at the 2:35 time mark.


The astronaut trots by the flag without touching it and it moves. Air makes it move.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - alan1302

Hey FP Let's hear your analysis of this anomaly. Start watching it at the 2:35 time mark.


The astronaut trots by the flag without touching it and it moves. Air makes it move.

No, air doesn't make it move. You don't need air to make it move.

See this site:


No doubt you wont belive it but there you go!

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

Hey alan1302

I got banned at Bad Astronomy a few years back. It's all explained here.


The site is now called Cosmoquest. It's a disinfo site. The posters on that forum know that the Apollo moon missions were faked. They're all professional sophists.

Read the info to which that link leads and you'll see that they say some pretty lame things when they have to obfuscate something that's very clear.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - alan1302

Hey alan1302

I got banned at Bad Astronomy a few years back. It's all explained here.


The site is now called Cosmoquest. It's a disinfo site. The posters on that forum know that the Apollo moon missions were faked. They're all professional sophists.

Read the info to which that link leads and you'll see that they say some pretty lame things when they have to obfuscate something that's very clear.

If you want to show some facts then you need to show something that is not on a forum on the internet. You appear to want to belive they are faked. Why is that?

There is no question that they were faked - they did happen and that is just a fact and I can't understand why someone would not believe that is happened.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

"If you want to show some facts then you need to show something that is not on a forum on the internet."

The fact I want to show you is that those posters on the Bad Astronomy forum are a bunch of government disinfo agents who know the moon missions were faked. Please read the stuff I posted and say what you think of it.


You seem to be trying to avoid talking about it.

" You appear to want to belive they are faked. Why is that?"

Look at the info in my first post. It prove they were faked. I follow the evidence to see where it leads. I don't have a foregone conclusion.

"There is no question that they were faked - they did happen and that is just a fact and I can't understand why someone would not believe that is happened."

I think you forgot the word "Not" in that first sentence.

Again, look at the proof of fakery in my first post. You don't seem to be familiar with any of it.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - alan1302

The fact I want to show you is that those posters on the Bad Astronomy forum are a bunch of government disinfo agents who know the moon missions were faked. Please read the stuff I posted and say what you think of it.

A post of a forum proves nothing of the sort. And quite why the US government would waste it's time and money setting up fake sites I have no idea.

I have looked at some of the footage and reasons before and won't waste my time looking through them again but I think they are just sily and aren't based on scientific fact.

Going for an obvious one would bethe US flaf waving. People who don't know think it can't wave because there is no air on the Moon. That does not mean it can't move if it is touched which is what does happen. Also the flag was designed to support itself in the upright position as they knew it would not be able to fly properly otherwise.

You've still not said why you think it's a fake and the US governement want people to belive it happened. Why do you belive the minority of people who think it's a hoax and not belive what people have seen and scientific fact?

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - FP

Sorry, Drifty - you may be a nice guy and all that, but I am not going to get sucked into discussing this stuff. It's totally pointless.

You believe it (or say you do) and I don't.

In fact, you don't want really to discuss it either - you just want to "prove" something to your own satisfaction, and put me in my place.

I have better things to do. I certainly won't be contributing any further to this fatuousness.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

Hey FP

I hope you know that your response would get you laughed out of the debating hall. If you want to actually impress a thinking person, you have to explain why you think the evidence he or she presents is flawed. Your response is categorized as "Hand waving".


Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - galileo

Hey FP

I hope you know that your response would get you laughed out of the debating hall. If you want to actually impress a thinking person, you have to explain why you think the evidence he or she presents is flawed. Your response is categorized as "Hand waving".


Drifty, do you remember King Arthur's parting remark to the Black Knight, in Monty Python andd the Holy Grail? Has anyone ever said the same thing to you?

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

Why don't you people stop avoiding the issue and analyze the evidence of a hoax. If it's flawed, explain why. Ignoring the proof put forward and making snide remarks is what sophists do when they're checkmated.

HELLO? Any chance of a response? - DaveBen

Your spammed post has been answered hundreds of times all around the internet. You want me to quote you a few dozen of them!

You are not here to debate, you are here to make yet another duplicate thread, then retreat back to the spursforum to report on it. A forum where nobody gives a hoot what you think. Is there any point that you are prepared to listen to logic, science, alternative views, better explanations? No. Is there a chance you would even remove one thing from your duplicate spammed opening post? No.

This is you under one of your numerous handles:


That is beyond weird and a demonstration that you couldn't care less about debate. I've read on another forum that you consider this a "hobby" - Hah! I also read your ridiculous, unscientific and useless links that attempt to armwave away 840lbs of lunar samples. I would ask you to put the argument in your own words, but that is a futile request and one you always avoid.

Let's try anyway. There are lunar samples brought back that show no signs of terrestrial weathering or any exposure to Earth water, no signs of being a meteorite whatsoever and totally consistent with being recovered from a dry atmosphereless body with low gravity, peppered with tiny micro-meteorites, solar wind and CMEs.

Without doing your stock evasive "go look at this crappy old website" tactic, explain how these samples were obtained.

HELLO? Any chance of a response? - Drifty

An explanation for the rocks is given at the 3:28:00 time mark of this video.


"What Happened on the Moon"

Here's some info about the waving flag anomaly that I keep asking you people to address.


I might as well just post stuff for the viewers to look at as you people don't seem to be serious debaters. A serious debater would have addressed that issue as soon as it was presented.

Give this guy a tin foil umbrella as well!! - DaveBen

I strongly suspect that this person has a complete list of stock cut and paste replies to every response. He's been spamming this identical thread on hundreds of forums and ignores all replies no matter what is argued.

Lost to the world. Here is an example:


Owned, totally and completely owned. Notice the main page showing this guy's posting history on hundreds of forums in video form. That is some serious weirdness.

That was written by some old guy who completely went through his spam post and tore it to pieces. His response? Some utter crap about the Chinese faking spacewalks so that means he can dismiss the entire content of that blog. Watch him respond to this with some baloney along those lines.

Give this guy a tin foil umbrella as well!! - DaveBen

Looks like the forum software blanked out part of the link because it contains an insulting word.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Leif
Buzz Aldrin recently punched a nut job who said that the moon landings were faked. Frankly this carp is an insult to the bravery of the crews who risked their lives.
Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - alan1302
Buzz Aldrin recently punched a nut job who said that the moon landings were faked. Frankly this carp is an insult to the bravery of the crews who risked their lives.

Don't blame him - he put his life on the line when becoming an astronaught and then for someone to tell him he never went I'm not surprised he lashed out.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Leif
That was my point. He must have been livid.
Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Avant

I won't delete the thread as there have been plenty of sensible comments contradicting the original.

Drifty, I suspect you are a member of the Flat Earth Society: please don't post again at such excessive length.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Avant

"I strongly suspect that this person has a complete list of stock cut and paste replies to every response. He's been spamming this identical thread on hundreds of forums and ignores all replies no matter what is argued."

Thanks for that information, DaveBen. If that's the case I'll delete anything similar in future.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - focussed

The absolute and definitive proof that there was no fakery involved in the Apollo missions to moon is that a radio amateur received some of the transmissions from Apollo 11:-

The nearly forgotten story of how a radio amateur successfully detected transmissions from the first men to land on the Moon.

In July of 1969 a ham radio operator and amateur radio-astronomer by the name of Larry Baysinger, W4EJA, accomplished an amazing feat. He independently detected radio transmissions from the Apollo 11 astronauts on the lunar surface. Fortunately, his accomplishments were recorded by Glenn Rutherford, a young reporter for the Louisville (Kentucky) Courier-Journal. “Lunar Eavesdropping: Louisvillians hear moon walk talk on homemade equipment,” sporting Rutherford’s byline, appeared in the Wednesday, July 23, 1969 issue of that paper front page of section B, the local news section (see Figure 1).

But I expect that the m****s that allege that the moon missions were faked will insist that this guy was bribed or some such other nonsense.

Edit - added Link to website


I'll bet the conspiracy brigade won't have any comment to make about that fact.

Edited by focussed on 11/12/2014 at 15:22

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Leif
Conspiracy theorists decide what they want to prove, then select 'facts' to match. So you are wasting your time dealing with these fruit cakes.
Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - alan1302

The absolute and definitive proof that there was no fakery involved in the Apollo missions to moon is that a radio amateur received some of the transmissions from Apollo 11:-

I'll bet the conspiracy brigade won't have any comment to make about that fact.

They will make a comment about it but claim he worked for the governement and it was all faked! LOL

Dwindling numbers of HBs - DaveBen

The number of people actually believing this tripe has dropped considerably over the years as more and more people have access to the debunking. The rubbishy conspiracy shows never bothered to correct the endless flaws in their arguments just like the OP.

As well as spamming the living crap out of the internet on this Apollo gibberish, the OP is also a 911 trufer, a holocaust denier and more recently believes in super heated gasoline fumes to give 200mpg out of a car engine. The phrase "give me strength" has never been so necessary. A lost and hopeless cause that simply cannot be reached by argument.


I await the stock response concerning some equally ludicrous rubbish about Chinese spacewalks.

Dwindling numbers of HBs - Drifty

Here's some of the stuff this poster mentioned. It's only fair for viewers to be able to see what he's criticizing.





Dwindling numbers of HBs - Leif

Here's some of the stuff this poster mentioned. It's only fair for viewers to be able to see what he's criticizing.





I think you are mentally ill and need counselling. Your posts are deeply offensive to the crews who risked their lives. A life is something you lack.

Dwindling numbers of HBs - Leif

Here's some of the stuff this poster mentioned. It's only fair for viewers to be able to see what he's criticizing.





Those links argue that the Nazis did not murder Jews en masse and that Hitler had good reason to wage war. You are a loathsome piece of dirt, quite why your posts are allowed is beyond me. HJ has become an unwitting recruiter for neonazism.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

There's an explanation for that in this video...


...at the 3:26:05 time mark. It was possible for there to be an unmanned lander on the moon relaying messages to fool eavesdroppers.

Everybody ignored my request that I get an analysis of the waving flag issue that's at the top of post #1. As far as I'm concerned, that proves the hoax all by itself.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - alan1302

...at the 3:26:05 time mark. It was possible for there to be an unmanned lander on the moon relaying messages to fool eavesdroppers.

I knew they would have some made up explanation! LOL :-)

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

"and ignores all replies no matter what is argued."

Please link to such a case.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - DaveBen

You are a joke. Right above you a blatant example a few posts ago!

Here is the bit again:

I also read your ridiculous, unscientific and useless links that attempt to armwave away 840lbs of lunar samples. I would ask you to put the argument in your own words, but that is a futile request and one you always avoid.

Let's try anyway. There are lunar samples brought back that show no signs of terrestrial weathering or any exposure to Earth water, no signs of being a meteorite whatsoever and totally consistent with being recovered from a dry atmosphereless body with low gravity, peppered with tiny micro-meteorites, solar wind and CMEs.

Without doing your stock evasive "go look at this crappy old website" tactic, explain how these samples were obtained.

You simply do not know the subject matter, yet rely on totally uninformed internet fools for your "information".

Name one single geologist who agrees with your plausible to fake the rocks crap.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

An argument is an argument. The guy in this video puts forth a very plausible argument that would explain the rocks. It's pretty lame of you to ignore it. Please address it.

An explanation for the rocks is given at the 3:28:00 time mark of this video.


"What Happened on the Moon"

There's some much clear proof of a hoax that the rock issue is really just a moot issue. The way the flag moves without being touched in this video closes the whole case by itself.


You people know that so you're trying to draw attention away from it. Please address this issue too.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - alan1302

The way the flag moves without being touched in this video closes the whole case by itself.


You people know that so you're trying to draw attention away from it. Please address this issue too.

No, it does not. The flag waves as the astronaught touches the flag pole which makes it wave. Also the flag itself has a fram which enables the flag to look like it's blowing in the wind like a normal flag. It would just hand down otherwise.

I have already explained this above but you didn't see it/ignored it.

Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

"No, it does not. The flag waves as the astronaught touches the flag pole which makes it wave."

This video shows that the flag started moving before he got close enough to touch it.


So does this one.


Here's a thread I started on this particular anomaly.


There's more proof that just the movement without being touched. Please look at the info in post #1 of that thread.

He ignored the entire post - DaveBen

So again you ignored the post and diverted me to a stupid video that neither explains how the rocks could have been faked to fool every geologist or any of the points I raised.

There are lunar samples brought back that show no signs of terrestrial weathering or any exposure to Earth water, no signs of being a meteorite whatsoever and totally consistent with being recovered from a dry atmosphereless body with low gravity, peppered with tiny micro-meteorites, solar wind and CMEs.

Without doing your stock evasive "go look at this crappy old website" tactic, explain how these samples were obtained.

You simply do not know the subject matter, yet rely on totally uninformed internet fools for your "information".

Name one single geologist who agrees with your plausible to fake the rocks crap.

As for your never ending obsession with the flag, a movement that is totally inconsistent with compressed air movement from a moving body!!

Here's one very plausible explanation:


Here's another:


You are unable to answer my post on the rocks because not only do you not understand the subject, the question or its implication, you don't even understand why your silly videos and website are total crap.

He ignored the entire post - Armitage Shanks {p}

Try this www.snopes.com/inboxer/hoaxes/moonhoax.asp

Additionally, there is a laser reflector on the Moon's surface which is used, to this day, that regulalry measures the variation of the Moon's orbit round the Earth. How did that get there, if not placed by an astronaut?


He ignored the entire post - Drifty

If the Surveyor missions were real, they obviously had robot technology bach then.


Adjustable reflectors could be attached to an unmanned craft. Laser reflectors on the moon are not proof that there were people on the moon.

Start watching this video at the 3:27:47 time mark.


He ignored the entire post - Armitage Shanks {p}

I suggest tthat a laser reflector placed on the surface of the moon by a moon lander would show eveidence of jet blast on the surface, NOT the astronaut boot prints that are clearly visible in the link I posted..

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 14/12/2014 at 11:50

He ignored the entire post - Drifty

"I suggest tthat a laser reflector placed on the surface of the moon by a moon lander would show eveidence of jet blast on the surface, NOT the astronaut boot prints that are clearly visible in the link I posted.."

The theory is that this picture was taken in a studio.


It's plausible that the real reflectors are simply attached to the rotating upper part of an unmanned lander and they are adjustable by remote control.

He ignored the entire post - Armitage Shanks {p}

Please be kind ebough to post information on the date and payload of any unmanned vehicle that has landed on the Moon.

He ignored the entire post - Drifty

You seem to be trying to mislead those viewers who don't take the time to look at the video clip at the 3:28:00 time mark to which I linked.


It says it was possible for a robotic craft to collect real moon rocks and return them to earth.

There are several plauslble explanations that would explain the rocks...



...so the rocks are not proof that they went to the moon. Please watch the above videos.

He ignored the entire post - Avant

Just give up, Drifty. Find something better to do with your time.

Blindly believes some paid numpty on a film made by a liar! - DaveBen

I mislead nobody. You however just ignored my post again. You know nothing at all about it. Nothing. All you do is repost the same crap without understanding why it is crap.

Do you understand the phrase "in your own words"? Do you?

Name one geologist who believes in your ridiculous claims? Just one?

In your own words, explain how 840lbs of rocks can be brought back from a craft remote landed on the Moon! Explain how they can collect rocks, store them safely and in great numbers. Explain how this is even the tiniest bit possible, as even today it is a major challenge to collect and examine large specimens.

The person on that video purports to be a rocket engineer. He is not. He is a paid stooge and makes bogus claims. Find one single proper engineer who thinks it even remotely possible to build such machinery in secret, keep it a secret, send it to the Moon in secret, land it, run it around happily gathering rocks, return it the launch vehicle, then return it safely to Earth, all unmanned.

Moot point? You total joke. It is 100% conclusive proof man landed on the Moon. As for your spam about a friggin' flag. Your only defense is to keep repeating and ignoring stuff.

Answer my post properly. In your own words. That mewans without some idiot video or website that you don't understand.

Blindly believes some paid numpty on a film made by a liar! - Drifty

"I mislead nobody. You however just ignored my post again. You know nothing at all about it. Nothing. All you do is repost the same crap without understanding why it is crap.

Do you understand the phrase "in your own words"? Do you?

Name one geologist who believes in your ridiculous claims? Just one?"

I hope all the viewers understand what DaveBen is doing.




19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs

This is perhaps a variant of the 'play dumb' rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon.)


Here's the evidence he's avoiding.


(3:28:00 time mark)



There are plausible scenarios that would explain the rocks and the rock issue doesn't make the flag issue go away.


He ignored the entire post - Drifty

"Here's one very plausible explanation:

tinyurl.com/thestupidflag "

The guy who did that page (BetaMax) is a known disinfo agent. He tried to obfuscate the clear proof that the Chinese space walk was faked.


(post #3944)

"Here's another:

www.apollohoax.net/forum/index.php?topic=488.0 "

The Clavius forum is a known disinfo site. The regular posters on that forum are professional sophists who know the moon missions were faked. Here's some info on that.


(post #4391)

He ignored the entire post - Leif
"A known disinfo agent"
"Professional sophists"

You are a loony. I would just laugh at you, but your neo-nazi links are disturbing. Why don't you take your filth and p*** off.
Apollo Saturn V Rocket - The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio - Drifty

I just notices a couple of errors in my first post.


Here's some good research if anyone wants to delve further.

On this thread there's a debate between Jarrah White and Jay Windley.

...should say this.

Here's some good research if anyone wants to delve further.

On this thread there's a debate between Jarrah White and Jay Windley.

The mad spammer! - DaveBen

Yet again, "in your own words", this mad spammer can't answer.

The rocks and thouisands of consistent strands of evidence all interlinked, form 100% conclusive proof that man landed on the Moon. What has this weirdo got? A friggin' moving flag, ad hominem diversion and ignores all responses.

He asked me for examples above, then proceeds to demonstrate yet again his totally useless inept grasp of this supject matter. Rather than respond to somebody who tore his backside off in a debate, he labels hime as a know disinfo agent. Watch as he avoids offering even one tiny shred of proof to back this m****ic claim up.

Here once again is the blog that answers every point raised by this hiccup of nature.


Not convinced this guy is bonkers? Read and weep at this link showing just his latest nutty forum and blog spamming.


Show some evidence for betamax101 being a disinfo agent. Won't happen.

Show just one geologist who thinks your pathetic videos and websites are credible and plausible. Won't happen.

Respond to anything other than the idiot flag. Will happen, with diversion and repetition.

Here's another of his nutty opening post claims mercilessly debunked. He insists the light on the helmet is a spotlight because, well duh it looks like one. Here, in one very simple video it is shown to be the Sun diffusing on the plastic coating:


And just for good measure showing the same diffusion on car windows:


The mad spammer! - galileo

The OP clearly suffers from paranoia, OCD, schizophrenia and probably several other psychotic conditions; it is therefore a waste of time arguing with him.

As he clearly has a poor grasp of reality and lack of common sense, and is thus unemployable, he must be living on benefits (including the computer he uses to post his nonsense) paid for by our taxes.

This is what I find most annoying. Why don't the authorities instead provide paper and crayons for him? (pencils are too sharp and dangerous)

The mad spammer! - Avant

Enough. Thread closed.