I purchased a replacement quad bike which was road legal earlier this year for use on my smallholding. Never took it on the road at all. Sold bike 6 months later. Filled in new owners details and sent it off to DVLA. 3- 4 months later received a summons in post for no insurance on bike, on a date after I had sold it. It states a fixed penalty notice was sent previously but was not paid. (I never received it!)
1. I am assuming bike is still in my name and hasn't been transferred over.
2. Am I still liable for any fines even though I have a receipt showing it was sold?
Havent got a contact number for the new buyer so unsure if they have been chasing up DVLA. Worried I am going to get fined or even points on licence. Can they give you points for a quad ?
Should I ring DVLA before hand or will I have to appear in court?
Any advice would be appreciated. Many thanks