Jaguar XF - G/box, DSC, Parking Brake Fault & No Brake Lights! - hatman

My 2009 XF 2.7D Luxury has been displaying the following warning lights:

Gearbox Fault
DSC Not Available
Parking Brake Fault
The low battery light has occasionally come on since I've had the car

Given that the car drove perfectly with these warning lights on and that the car was on it's original 2008 dated battery, I thought that a new battery would cure the problem.

However after fitting a new battery, all the warning lights above came on again AND the Cannot Apply Parking Brake warning light and constant buzzer warning for this comes on when driving. Also, after fitting the new battery the brake lights don't come on! I had a new brake light switch fitted but the brake lights still don't come on!

The low battery warning still comes on occasionally too even though the battery is brand new.

I've taken the car to an independent and a specialist but neither had the latest Jaguar software so it's booked into the main dealer next week.

Greatly appreciate any advice - while the new battery was a waste of time and caused the new problems at least fitting a new battery proved that it wasn't the original battery causing the warning lights.

Given that the new battery hasn't cured it, I'm thinking along the lines of maybe a software upgrade (car hasn't been serviced at main dealer for 18mths) or a computer reset with the latest Jaguar software could possibly resolve the issue?

Thanks in advance

Edited by hatman on 14/11/2014 at 17:49

Jaguar XF - G/box, DSC, Parking Brake Fault & No Brake Lights! - elekie&a/c doctor

Have you had the battery power management system reprogrammed after the new battery was fitted?

Jaguar XF - G/box, DSC, Parking Brake Fault & No Brake Lights! - hatman

Many thanks for your reply. I took the car to a specialist who reset the car after the battery was fitted but he didnt have the latest Jaguar software. I'm hoping that a reset at the main dealer will cure it.

Jaguar XF - G/box, DSC, Parking Brake Fault & No Brake Lights! - injection doc

All the above faults are related and interconnected.

Haver the fuses been checked for the brake lights & Live data checked to see if brake light switch is working ?

Engine management system & Transmission relys on info from the brake switch ! & so does the EPB

Are the correct brake light bulbs fitted ?

The battery earth strap to the body is wrapped and can corrode on these and cause issues with low voltage flags !

Jaguar XF - G/box, DSC, Parking Brake Fault & No Brake Lights! - hatman

Many thanks for the reply. The fuses haven't been checked - it was originally thought that that brake light switch wasn't working so a new one was fitted but this made no difference.

As far as I know the correct bulbs are fitted as the car has always been maintained at the Jaguar main dealer.

I will get the battery earth strap checked out.

It has been suggested elsewhere that the footbrake swich could be causing the issue - it might be worth me getting this replaced.

Jaguar XF - G/box, DSC, Parking Brake Fault & No Brake Lights! - SteveWebb

I was interested in this fault as my XF has exactly the same problem (but without the brake light symptoms). As it happens my brake light switch was replaced recently but the fault is still happening. It seems to be related to changes in ambient temperature and humidity, and usually goes away after the car has been parked for a while.

I suspect a bad connection on one of the on-board computers, but the diagnostic computer at my dealer reports no faults, so they ignore the problem.

Have you managed to get it fixed?

Jaguar XF - G/box, DSC, Parking Brake Fault & No Brake Lights! - vectra989

Have same on my 2008 2.7D XF fitted new battery which seemed too or so I thought cleared it. Then I was getting it if I acellerated hard either warm or cold engine. Majority of time I get it on start up in damp conditions have tried with auto lights wipers AC on and off and no real trend, Like most people I have read about it goes if you turn engine on and off with approx 5-10 second pause

Jaguar and Independent dont seem to be able to define problem other than suggesting leave car with us while we search. Jaguar have cleared the memory and its booked in for a service in a couple of weeks so perhaps this will show up on a diagnostic

Although have seen that the following could be responsible Throttle body and a black tube to the throttle body. Cleaning would seem to be the answer of these

Does any one know of a remedy

Jaguar XF - G/box, DSC, Parking Brake Fault & No Brake Lights! - Falkirk Bairn

>>car hasn't been serviced at main dealer for 18mths

Says alot in my book

No handbrake? In older cars it is lubricating the cables / new cables -maybe as little as £50/100 or £250 if you are unlucky - with these electrically operated parking brakes all the salt & s*** collects and a BIG bill is created - eye wateringly expensive especially if it needs new pads and disks - XF rear pads and disks are £600 on their own at a Jaguar Dealer!

Jaguar XF - G/box, DSC, Parking Brake Fault & No Brake Lights! - Freddy Biani
Good day , I am in Cape Town South Africa and also have same faults on my 2009 XF 3.0 diesel . Took car to agents to be told it is the ABS module ,Part Number C2Z17133.
Jaguar XF - G/box, DSC, Parking Brake Fault & No Brake Lights! - Adam Harlow

I know this is a very old thread now. However I have an 09 XF with identical issues to the letter. I have replaced the battery and the brake light switch however this has made no difference. I have a feeling the fix will be pretty straight forward however I am chasing a collection of different errors at the moment. Can you remember what the fix was for yours in the end? Cheers, Adam

Jaguar XF - G/box, DSC, Parking Brake Fault & No Brake Lights! - Brit_in_Germany

Adam, the guys at might be able to help. Apart from the brake switch, one cause was a faulty connector under the dash.