Right might be getting somewhere now!
Went out to the car turned the ignition on and it was fine...i.e. No problems, no throttle having a fit, no flashing lights. I even managed to do the pedal trick and got one code...1612 again which is immobiliser. Left the ignition on to see if it got hot and played up, didn't start the engine though and got no problem.
However...when I opened the bonnet...there was water all over the battery and the box next to it which I think has some relays in it. Can see these two things through the scuttle.
So this narrows it a bit.
Could it be water is making a good connection somewhere?
Or...could it be the ecu temperature sender playing up as the engine gets hot?
Or could it be the ecu playing up as it receives heat from the engine because of its stupid positioning? However this wasn't the case yesterday.
There's only two things different from yesterday....rain ingress and temperature.