I've hidden several posts on this thread where the argument has become (quite needlessly) personal, and left in the actual discussion about the topic raised by Cluedo. I'm sorry that of necessity that has had to include some justified comments about the level of insults. There's nothing wrong with firmly-expressed views, such as calling an additive useless or 'snake-oil' - but no need in stating these views to insult the person taking the opposite view.
This is a perfectly reasonable subject for discussion - a product designed to clean out a fuel system is not necessarily the same as one which claims to improve engine performnce, although there may be some that say they do both.
Personally I've never used additives, and have run some cars in my time to six-figure mileages without any perceptible engine wear. But if people favour them, they are entitled to their opinion.
I shall in future simply delete any personal insults. I hope you'll agree that what remains in this thread represents a reasoned discussion.