Given that they are antisocial people who care not for the environment, my expereince is that people with that attitude will not tell the insurers as well.
(Note my careful choice of words) :-)
I'm not going to condone people who remove bits of emission equipment from their cars but let's not get too dramatic about it.
If you *really* care for the environment the way to do it is to drive less or not at all, move closer to work, use less energy in general and live your life differently. A car with a DPF still burns plenty of fuel, still uses lots of energy and creates pollution when manufactured and still chucks nasty stuff out the exhaust.
Let's not pretend that cars with DPF's are all wonderful and go around with tulips growning out the back.
In fact, probably the most polllution is causeed by the unnecessary manufacturer of a new car to replace one which is scrapped prematurely because it is uneconomical to replace the DPF!
A 20 year old car Eu2 approval which does 2000 miles a year is still a cleaner car than an Eu4 one which does 20,000.