I am having a hotted conversation with my insurance and I would like to have, well, an honest opinion. I am trying to be as objective as possible. There is no witness.
I was driving up to a T-Junction where a Transport-for-London bus, ahead of me, was stationary waiting for the incoming right traffic to stop. There was no dedicated left or right turning lane at this point and the bus was positioned straight, slightly over an imaginary line dividing this left-hand side of the road, but not enough for a car to not to be able to drive pass the back of the bus, yet it was fairly tight. I drove up to behind the driver's cabin, on the left and stayed stationary for a good 10 seconds. The bus then moved forward and turned left to my surprise and squeezed my car which was still stationary.
None of us admits responsibility. The driver says that it had indicated his intentions, which I dispute firmly, so it is here a case of my words his words. More central to the accident, I was stationary and the bus driver has not offered any reason as to why he did not check or failed to spot me in his left mirror and my insurance seems to acknowledge that I was stationary.
The bus company has provided an on-board CCTV footage, which surprisingly stopped just moments before the accident. It shows my car passing the back of the bus on the left and the third-party argues that I was making it difficult for the bus to turn left subsequently. From the CCTV it cannot be concluded whether the driver had indicated his intentions or not.
The claim handler of my insurance says that as the bus was already positioned, as one cannot say whether the bus was indicating or not as I drove pass, and as it was tight for a large vehicle and a car to face the T-Junction side by side based on google-earth, he advises me to accept a 50%/50% responsibility even though I was stationary.
However I have queried on the phone as to why the footage was cut and did not include the accident proper, but I was told that this is what the bus company sent to their insurance. I feel that the full footage would show the exact cause of the accident, my stationary position and most likely the fact that the bus had not indicated (as the driver only then turned on his hazard lights). I was also told – not by my insurance company - that modern bus carry a black-box for recording the time when indicators are used. I also have a picure of a car and a bus side-by-side, and pictures of busses turning left leaving no space (20cm) on their left side.
Could anyone confirm the black-box and could I demand my insurance to request both these recordings and the missing cut of the footage. Would that help my case to fight the 50%/50% split if it shows that the bus had not indicated, or would the points brought forwards by the claim handler supersede this?
I welcome any advice, views, and possible outcome as I am completely newbie to that field. Many thanks
PS: also puzzling is that my claim handler said repeatedly in the morning that the CCTV show that the indicator was on, only to retract in the afternoon, after watching it again and conclude that the CCTV did not show either way.