Hi everyone, your collective insight is requested!
On my way home tonight, my "Check Engine" and "Check 4x4 System" warnings took turns to flash up my display. Initally I feared that a return of my engine repair woes had resurfaced (see here www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/index.htm?t=101494), but after turning the interior of my car blue I realised I had just put 30 litres of diesel in the car not more than 5 minutes / 2 miles earlier.
I drove straight home (another mile and a half) and wonder what your thoughts are on;
- The likelyhood of contaminated fuel (receipt confirms 28.39 litres of diesel)
- It being linked to the previous engine issue (none of the previous signs and symptoms present)
- It being ompletely unrelated and I'm barking up the wrong trees :-)
My dilema is now what to do in the morning. I know from reading on here the potential harm I can do driving with the wrong fuel in, but don't know what to do. My main dealer is 9 miles away from home. If option 1is more likely have I potentially b*****ed it already?
Help and advice most welcome!
Sam (aka Dabooka)