Ford S-MAX - Heater Fan Speed - Richard M

I have a 2011 2l tdci which has had an annoying fault since new. The heater /aircon fan works fine when you set the temperature at 18 or above and regulates its speed according to the internal temperature required. However once set to 17 or 16 the fan runs at a constant 80-90% full speed. Not only is this very noisy but it means that it is not reacting to the temperature change in the car. Reverting to manual speed selection and it works at whatever setting you select. This happens regardless of whether you are using the aircon or not. It has been back to the dealer several times and they have replaced a heater module and a sensor but neither has had any effect. They are now saying that this is how it is meant to run, as there is nothing more they can do, and they have checked other Smax/Galaxys recently with the same results. This I suspect is because it has been hot and the systems were trying to cool the cars down which have probably been parked in the sun.
Have any other members had this problem with their cars, and if so how was it fixed? Or has anyone got any suggestions how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance for any help given.

Ford S-MAX - Heater Fan Speed - elekie&a/c doctor

On cars fitted with climate control,the system will try to maintain a cabin temperature according to temp setting selected on the dial.When a low setting is selected and the cabin and ambient temps are higher,then the system will try to reach the desired cabin temp as quick as possible.This means that the blower fan will need to work harder to reach this level.I think the dealer is correct,and there is possibly no fault with the system. If the fan speed is annoying,then you can turn it down manually to your prefered level.hth

Ford S-MAX - Heater Fan Speed - Richard M

Thanks for the reply. I realise that when it is hot the fan will run fast to reduce the temperature. However it never reduces its speed. The system works fine in the winter when temps outside are lower and the internal temp is set at 18 or above. But when the outside temp is say 13 and you set the internal temp to16 the fan will run at 80-90% speed all the time. In The previous S max which I had it worked throughout the temp range. Also a Mondeo which I also have can be stood in the same temps beside the Smax and its fan will just be ticking over slowly. I know I can set the fan speed manually but this rather defeats the purpose of having climate control. So to my mind there is something not right with the S max.