Toyota Yaris - Speed cam shows my red car as white - mikem004

Just received a Notice of Intended Prosecution for speeding. 36 MPH in a 30 MPH zone, automated camera. I have no previous points history.

A couple of questions:

- My car colour is red. The pics on the Police web site look like my car, but the pics show a white car. Is this expected, due to limitations of the IR camera? Time of day was 4:30 AM, dark overhead.

- What are my chances of being invited on a Driver Awareness Course, as a "first offender"?

Toyota Yaris - Speed cam shows my red car as white - leaseman

Can we assume by your second question that you were present in your car at the time of the "offence", and that your first question, to which I cannot offer any explanation, is supplementary?

I would think that there is every possibility of you being offered a Speed Awareness Course as an alternative to a Fixed Penalty. These are now, generally, conducted online, take up a few hours of your time and will include a group of similarly affected people from the same area as yourself.

Toyota Yaris - Speed cam shows my red car as white - Bromptonaut

Were you in the area at the time? If so than it's probably yours

If you think it might be cloned are there any distinguishing marks on your car, or any windscreen stickers.

As to red looking close to white, way back in the seventies my Father had a tomato red Ford. Under sodium lights it looked cream/fawn.

No previous points and no recent Speed/Driver Awareness Courses should mean, assuming the alleged offence was not in Scotland, you'd be offered a course although that may depend on local policy on margin by which you were over the limit,

Toyota Yaris - Speed cam shows my red car as white - mikem004

Yes, it was definitely my car. I was in the area at the time. I just wondered why the camera pic appears to show a white car.

I think it's just an optical illusion. If you zoom the pic to over 10x, some streaks of red colour start to emerge...

Toyota Yaris - Speed cam shows my red car as white - Middleman

You should be offered a course for that speed provided you have not done one in the three years prior to this offence. That, and the speed, which must be within (Limit+10%+9mph, is all that matters. Whether or not you have any points is not an issue.

Courses are only offered in England & Wales.

Toyota Yaris - Speed cam shows my red car as white - mickyh7

Limit (30)+10%+9mph = 42mph.

Try again?

Limit + 10% + 2mph = 35mph = Ticket

Edited by mickyh7 on 20/06/2024 at 08:09

Toyota Yaris - Speed cam shows my red car as white - Middleman

Try again?

Who has got to try again, and why?

Toyota Yaris - Speed cam shows my red car as white - Andrew-T

I think the previous poster (as you will be well aware) is calculating the trigger speed for a 'ticket' and is unsure where your +9 comes from.

Toyota Yaris - Speed cam shows my red car as white - Brit_in_Germany

For me it was a clear reference to the point at which points will be given rather than a course being offered. It goes without saying that the limit for speeding has been exceeded.

Toyota Yaris - Speed cam shows my red car as white - FP

"I think the previous poster (as you will be well aware) is calculating the trigger speed for a 'ticket' and is unsure where your +9 comes from."

I assume the +9 means that within this limit a speed awareness course may be offered, but outside (i.e. above) this, the offence is so egregious it will be dealt with by the courts.

Toyota Yaris - Speed cam shows my red car as white - Middleman

For clarity, I was responding to this (which I should have made clear):

"No previous points [my emphasis] and no recent Speed/Driver Awareness Courses should mean, assuming the alleged offence was not in Scotland, you'd be offered a course…"

Previous points is not a consideration when the decision to offer a course is made. All that matters is that the speed is within (Limit+10%+9mph) and the driver had not taken a course in the previous three years (offence dates being used to calculate that period).

Apologies if there was any confusion.

...but outside (i.e. above) this, the offence is so egregious it will be dealt with by the courts.

Only if the speed is 50mph or above. In a 30 limit, enforcement begins at 35mph, courses are offered up to 42mph and fixed penalties up to 49mph. Only at 50mph or above does prosecution in court follow. There are similar thresholds for other limits. These, of course, are guidelines and there is nothing to prevent the police taking action outside them, though they rarely do. The ACPO (now NPCC) guidelines are here:

Edited by Middleman on 20/06/2024 at 10:55