Charging location wot I visited - Ethan Edwards

Gridserve Braintree

Been on a bit of a long ..long trip in my EV today.

So I needed a top up to get home ( with assurance)..probably could have squeaked it but why risk it.

Well the Gridserve operation was the first time I've ever needed a public charger in two years of EV ownership. What a superb location. Lots of chargers, pretty much all vacant. So plug her in, wave the contact less card and trot off for a frothy coffee.

Just had time to drink it and I'm up at 80% (from less than 20) so off I go. Lovely stop, an M&S, Costa a newsagent a chemist stand. Ahem facilities and comfy chairs. If this is the future I like it. It makes the premium leccy price acceptable , especially as it was spotless, tidy and clean. Bravo Gridserve.

Charging location wot I visited - SLO76
Handy to know. I found most of the motorway services had available and working chargers, even those suitable for my Leaf. The problems we had came largely when we were diverted off the motorway due to an accident before our planned charging stop. The Leaf just didn’t have enough range to cope with unplanned issues like this and the fast charging network away from the motorway is sporadic and unreliable at best, if you do find one that works it’s often occupied.
Charging location wot I visited - mcb100
The Gridserve sites are superb (there’s another one in Norwich, and plans for lot more to come).
From a sustainable perspective, they have lots of solar panels and a humungous batter that they can presumably charge overnight (as well as from the solar) and power the site from that.
I was there for a few days last year, and you notice that it has become a destination in its own right - most days a couple would arrive in their Zoe, plug in, get out their folding chairs and Tupperware and have a picnic.

Edited by mcb100 on 17/08/2023 at 06:50

Charging location wot I visited - Wee Willie Winkie

I've used the Gridserve facility on the outskirts of Norwich. Completely agree with what you say - it's an excellent setup.

Charging location wot I visited - Andrew-T

Please don't think I am trying to knock it, it all sounds most enjoyable. My mild discomfort is that the description sounds like it imitates the US model for this kind of thing, where the customer is softened up by other temptations. That suits the US very well, but I have always felt the difference in 'space' between there and here. This country is many times smaller, with much less spare (more expensive) land to be turned into yet another countryside enjoyment site. The UK could use it for productive purposes, especially in East Anglia.

Do you know how big the site is ?

Charging location wot I visited - mcb100
The Norwich one is on a trading estate, next to a dual carriageway.
Not sure whether it was a green or brown field site, but it’s not in the grounds of Sandringham.

Edited by mcb100 on 17/08/2023 at 10:50

Charging location wot I visited - focussed
The Norwich one is on a trading estate, next to a dual carriageway. Not sure whether it was a green or brown field site, but it’s not in the grounds of Sandringham.

Yes it was a greenfield site before the authorities started concreting over the Norfolk countryside, I used to live about 3 miles away before we escaped to France, one of the many reasons we left, hopefully never to return.

Charging location wot I visited - Terry W

If all EVs only used publicly available charging points, the amount of land required for "refuelling" would exceed that required for ICE by a factor of 10-20.

Calculation based on the time stationary being refuelled - say - ICE 5 minutes to get 200 miles range, EV 60 minutes to get similar range = 12 times.

"Refuelling" EVs will frequently be done at home, work, shopping, on street, etc. Thus the number of charge points required will be very much less than the 10-20 factor.

Unlikely vast swathes of the country will be covered by charging points - more likely a gradual change will repurpose existing facilities - eg: retail parks with reduced parking needs due to online shopping converted to charging points.

Charging location wot I visited - mcb100
‘ eg: retail parks with reduced parking needs due to online shopping converted to charging points.’

You’re not losing many parking spaces, you’ve still got them but now they’ve got a charger next to them. The bays will ideally need to be a bit bigger for cable access.
Charging location wot I visited - Andrew-T

"Refuelling" EVs will frequently be done at home, work, shopping, on street, etc. Thus the number of charge points required will be very much less than the 10-20 factor.

Of course. But allow for the fact that - assuming EVs become a common mode of transport - there may still be 30%+ of the population who cannot easily charge at home. Perhaps they won't travel far enough to need sites like these.

And far worse inroads are made into green areas by outfits like Amazon with all their colossal warehousing sites, usually near the arterial network.

Charging location wot I visited - mcb100
On the flip side, we’ll have less need for horrible, polluting sites like Stanlow as demand for fossil fuels diminishes.
Charging location wot I visited - Bolt

as demand for fossil fuels diminishes.

Not going to happen for a very long time, Maybe if they had started cutting down on fossil fuels 50 years ago, we could have been somewhere near cutting it down but as things are no way....but its good to dream :-)

Charging location wot I visited - mcb100
Production and consumption in the UK has been decreasing for a few years now.
Charging location wot I visited - Bolt
Production and consumption in the UK has been decreasing for a few years now.

Cannot see most of what is on that site as you need an account, but considering the pandemic and cost savings people are going through its not surprising consumption is down, once winter is here it might be a different story and we do not know how bad this winter will be?

Charging location wot I visited - Ethan Edwards

I think they have 36 chargers. Its in an industrial estate so that limits its Recreational prospects. Its just great at what it does, I can accept that. Plenty of seating and nice coffee.

Plus it charged up so quick I barely had time to finish the coffee. I used one of the 90kw CCS chargers. They have 350kw chargers for those that can use them , not me. Mine tops out at 100kw. Think newer Tesla' might be able to use them.

Edited by Ethan Edwards on 17/08/2023 at 21:39

Charging location wot I visited - Engineer Andy

Gridserve Braintree

Been on a bit of a long ..long trip in my EV today.

So I needed a top up to get home ( with assurance)..probably could have squeaked it but why risk it.

Well the Gridserve operation was the first time I've ever needed a public charger in two years of EV ownership. What a superb location. Lots of chargers, pretty much all vacant. So plug her in, wave the contact less card and trot off for a frothy coffee.

Just had time to drink it and I'm up at 80% (from less than 20) so off I go. Lovely stop, an M&S, Costa a newsagent a chemist stand. Ahem facilities and comfy chairs. If this is the future I like it. It makes the premium leccy price acceptable , especially as it was spotless, tidy and clean. Bravo Gridserve.


I'm sure all the peasants in the ICEs will rejoice in your lovely time. Unfortunately they won't be able to afford this wonderful experience, even in 7 years time, when they've been forced (priced) off the road and are now waiting in the pouring rain for an hour (shopping getting soaked or defrosting) for a cramped, smelly bus to get to their destination on the other side of their 15 minute city in twice as long as the EV would. Sadly they also cannot affor a coffee at Costa while they wait.

Charging location wot I visited - alan1302


I'm sure all the peasants in the ICEs will rejoice in your lovely time. Unfortunately they won't be able to afford this wonderful experience, even in 7 years time, when they've been forced (priced) off the road and are now waiting in the pouring rain for an hour (shopping getting soaked or defrosting) for a cramped, smelly bus to get to their destination on the other side of their 15 minute city in twice as long as the EV would. Sadly they also cannot affor a coffee at Costa while they wait.

ICE vehicles are not being banned for use in 7 years time as you full well know. If you want to argue a point at least stick to actual facts rather than hyperbole.

Charging location wot I visited - Engineer Andy


I'm sure all the peasants in the ICEs will rejoice in your lovely time. Unfortunately they won't be able to afford this wonderful experience, even in 7 years time, when they've been forced (priced) off the road and are now waiting in the pouring rain for an hour (shopping getting soaked or defrosting) for a cramped, smelly bus to get to their destination on the other side of their 15 minute city in twice as long as the EV would. Sadly they also cannot affor a coffee at Costa while they wait.

ICE vehicles are not being banned for use in 7 years time as you full well know. If you want to argue a point at least stick to actual facts rather than hyperbole.

They are liklely to be forced off the roads as fewer and fewer pure ICE cars will be avaiable as second hand, mostly hybrids of varying shades and EVs, and even then I'm sure prices will be vastly higher than they can afford, or are willing to risk (EVs) a terminal battery failure or sufficient that they are unusable as regards range and require several £0000s (more than they can afford) to put the car into some sort of working order, meaning it is scrap value only.

At the same time it is likely that ULEZs, and some form of 15 minute city restrictions and/or road pricing will be foisted upon us (a dictat by the politicians string-pullers from the WEF, UN et al) so only the well off can afford to drive.

Why do I get the impression that some here aren't worried about such things as they either believe they won't fall into that affected group or that they won't be in a position to care anyway as the won't be driving any more, for one reason or another...

Charging location wot I visited - alan1302

Why do I get the impression that some here aren't worried about such things as they either believe they won't fall into that affected group or that they won't be in a position to care anyway as the won't be driving any more, for one reason or another...

I expect some people aren't worried, and some will be but can put their point across without lies and hyperbole.

You still never answered my question I have asked before - why do 'those' people who don't want us 'plebs' to be able to drive enable us all to drive in the first place? Surely they had enough power to prevent it so they could keep the roads to themselves?

Charging location wot I visited - madf

Gridserve Braintree

Been on a bit of a long ..long trip in my EV today.

So I needed a top up to get home ( with assurance)..probably could have squeaked it but why risk it.

Well the Gridserve operation was the first time I've ever needed a public charger in two years of EV ownership. What a superb location. Lots of chargers, pretty much all vacant. So plug her in, wave the contact less card and trot off for a frothy coffee.

Just had time to drink it and I'm up at 80% (from less than 20) so off I go. Lovely stop, an M&S, Costa a newsagent a chemist stand. Ahem facilities and comfy chairs. If this is the future I like it. It makes the premium leccy price acceptable , especially as it was spotless, tidy and clean. Bravo Gridserve.


I'm sure all the peasants in the ICEs will rejoice in your lovely time. Unfortunately they won't be able to afford this wonderful experience, even in 7 years time, when they've been forced (priced) off the road and are now waiting in the pouring rain for an hour (shopping getting soaked or defrosting) for a cramped, smelly bus to get to their destination on the other side of their 15 minute city in twice as long as the EV would. Sadly they also cannot affor a coffee at Costa while they wait.

Some of us buy used vehicles which are cheaper. And don't exaggerate and rant.

Charging location wot I visited - corax
I'm sure all the peasants in the ICEs will rejoice in your lovely time. Unfortunately they won't be able to afford this wonderful experience, even in 7 years time, when they've been forced (priced) off the road and are now waiting in the pouring rain for an hour (shopping getting soaked or defrosting) for a cramped, smelly bus to get to their destination on the other side of their 15 minute city in twice as long as the EV would. Sadly they also cannot affor a coffee at Costa while they wait.

Some of us buy used vehicles which are cheaper. And don't exaggerate and rant.

Used ICE still available after 2030. and sale of new hybrids not banned until 2035.

Charging location wot I visited - Engineer Andy

A report in today's Telegraph describes the terrible experience of a holidaymaker in Italy using an EV. Worth a read if you have access.

Charging location wot I visited - pd

A report in today's Telegraph describes the terrible experience of a holidaymaker in Italy using an EV. Worth a read if you have access.

He was a bit of an i**** for not checking where the charger was (why didn't he just phone the car hire company) and allegedly wasn't aware that Tesla Superchargers only worked with Teslas despite holidaying with a motoring journalist.

That is when the i****s weren't driving up footpaths....

Maybe Gridserve need to look at Italy as clearly a gap in the market for them!

Edited by pd on 20/08/2023 at 20:39