Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - Maxime.

We have at last a new car, one of the last of the previous generation Kia Sportage.

It's ok but Insurance for the car is £234 fully comp, with endless years of ncb, maximun discount.

The hound is insured for £3000 a year max claim and is £540. excess is £175 + 20%.7yr old mixed breed not known for medical problems. Last year was £300 with same excesses.

Have decided to selfinsure for the dog, but have not got several millions to self insure the car.

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - Xileno

The Kia sounds very reasonable at £234. I pay just a bit less than that on my old Focus (2007) fully comp with max NCB.

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - Andrew-T

The hound is insured for £3000 a year max claim and is £540. excess is £175 + 20%.7yr old mixed breed not known for medical problems. Last year was £300 with same excesses.

With premiums like that your cover should get you a replacement dog if yours dies ... :-)

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - DavidGlos
Same here. Dog (18 month old Golden Retriever) is far more expensive to insure than our old Golf. The car is £188 and if memory serves, the premium for the hound is over £300. Can’t really grumble, as insurers paid the thick end of £3,000 out in year one for the fluffy one.

Car insurance premium is interesting. Was with Churchill last year at around £230. Renewal premium this year (no changes, no claims, no convictions) was +50%. Moved to Darwin, which is part of Churchill for £188. Makes no sense to me, but hey ho!
Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - FoxyJukebox
Most motoring folk whether they like it or not will be facing an average of 60% increase in premiums on their previous years price .
This is due to expensive foreign parts, covid bla bla, russian invasion of Ukraine bla bla , the need to retain staff /salary increases etc , people making daft liability claims and sheer opportunist profiteering

Edited by FoxyJukebox on 13/08/2023 at 22:19

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - Falkirk Bairn

Last year's premium was just over £200. This year's £279 but managed all of £15 off with a 2 minute chat.

Current car, CRV EX Auto 2 ltr petrol. Changing car next weekend for a CRV, EX Auto Hybrid and the premium rose another £60.

Son is paying £40/month for his 2.5 year old dog

US based son is paying $70 / month Cavapoo - only pays out after he has spent $800 in the year!

His family healthcare insurance, 2 adults & 2 teenagers is just under $1,000 per month - company pays his cover, the $1,000 for wife & kids, kicks in after he has spent $8,000 yearly excess. Makes the NHS seem "great value"

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - edlithgow

Psychologically easier (for most people with most cars) to write off a car, which puts a ceiling on liability.

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - Will deBeast

We too mostly self insure the dog (Golden Retriever).

But I did find a policy which covers third party liability. It also covers the dog if she is injured through accident. Costs about £50 for the year.

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - _

We too mostly self insure the dog (Golden Retriever).

But I did find a policy which covers third party liability. It also covers the dog if she is injured through accident. Costs about £50 for the year.

Dogs trust?

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - Will deBeast

We too mostly self insure the dog (Golden Retriever).

But I did find a policy which covers third party liability. It also covers the dog if she is injured through accident. Costs about £50 for the year.

Dogs trust?

Royal and Sun Alliance. Trading as "More Than"

Edited by Will deBeast on 14/08/2023 at 09:16

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - gordonbennet

Dogs trust members here, so get the basic accident/third party cover included.

Otherwise we self insure our 3 hounds, insurance premiums are just too expensive for worthwhile cover.

One of ours going in this week for teeth cleaning and checkover, that'll be some £300, plus if any extractions or other work required, doubt any insurance would cover that this side of the cost of that £300 base line anyway.

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - _

Just got renewal for Blodwen, bearded/border collie cross.

&, will turn 8 next may.

£214.16 reduced to £186 and some pennies after discussion so done for one more year. Will self insure after that.

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - John F

Cars are a result of intelligent design and so rarely result in extra expense even when old, apart from occasional collisions and rarely fire and theft. But dogs are a result of evolution with a bit of recent human imposed eugenics which for certain 'breeds' (all dogs are basically mongrels) has resulted in what might be called dysgenic health problems. Hardly surprising their health insurance costs somewhat reflect human health insurance costs.

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - _

Cars are a result of intelligent design and so rarely result in extra expense even when old,


Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - Andrew-T

Cars are a result of intelligent design and so rarely result in extra expense even when old,

I think John is suggesting that dogs (like us) suffer from ailments related to old age, while properly maintained cars might not. Of course that requires regular maintenance and occasional unplanned repairs. Just like people I suppose ?

Car versus Dog - Insurance premiums - Chris M

We have two Westies - 8 & 15. Self insured. They're Westie number 4 & 5 for us. No. 3 was diagnosed diabetic @ 9. Lived for another 5 years with injections twice a day and after he pegged it I did a quick totting up of the cost - about £4,500, but it wasn't really noticeable at £50ish a month for insulin and needles. And the occasional day at the vet for blood sugar tests.

I can see why some owners like the reassurance of having insurance in place, but dogs are more likely to become ill (as opposed to accidents) as they age and that's the time premiums rocket, just as with humans. The 15 year old (16 next month) has probably cost us around £1k excluding routine servicing. A lot less than the insurance premiums would have been.

Edited by Chris M on 14/08/2023 at 11:58