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Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - Monkaymagic


My 1.4 2005 fiesta is overheating causing bubbling in the coolant tank which then spills out. I have noticed that the fan is definitely not working. I'm planning on changing the fuse under the bonnet next to the battery tomorrow as I've changed the fuse behind the glove box (it seems like there are 2 fuses related to the fan looking online). The thing is the tempature gauge shows normal when the coolant tank is bubbling up and steam coming from it. Shouldn't the tempature gauge show that the engine is overheating if it was this fuse? So I'm wondering if I'm going down the right lines with looking at the fuses? Or is it likely to be something else such as something to do with the thermostat seeing as the tempature gauge remains normal even when it clearly should be showing that the engine is overheating? Thanks for any help.

Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - elekie&a/c doctor

Firstly, the cooling fan will come on when the coolant hits about 105 degrees C . you need to establish if the fan works. bit difficult because there is no dedicated rad fan switch .It is controlled by the engine ecu. one way of testing the fan circuit , is to locate the engine temperature sensor. disconnecting this will put the system into failsafe mode and run the fan. engine needs to run for this test . also ,is the radiator getting hot all over?

Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - Monkaymagic

Hi, Thanks for your reply. I have read that by turning on the air conditioning that the fan should then always run? I have done this and the fan doesn't run. I have drove it for about 45 mins ....the coolant started boiling so i popped the bonnet with the engine running and the fan wasn't moving. I've done this 3 times. Can't understand why the temperature shows as normal when there's steam coming out of the coolant tank. When I start it from cold the temperature gauge starts low and then does increase though but never gets above normal even when it's bubbling??

Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - elekie&a/c doctor
Does the Aircon work ?
Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - Monkaymagic

No it doesn't work in getting cold but the fan should still turn if I turn it on?

Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - elekie&a/c doctor
No . If the Aircon is not working, then it will not bring on the cooling fan when switched on .
Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - edlithgow

On a trad system you can jumper the fan direct to the battery to check if its bust. If you connect it up the wrong way it'll run backwards, telling you you connected it up the wrong way.

You can probably do this even on an ECU controlled system, though I have no experience of them and don't much want any.

On a trad system, IF the fan works, check the fan relay. If its OK, check the thermostatic switch that controls the relay. Acdually checking it is a bit tricky, involving fiddling around with hot water and multimeters and probably burning yourself, but you can substitute a paper clip to short it out (since it makes a circuit when hot) and see if that makes the fan go.

If these are all OK, its the wiring between them.

But are you sure your car IS actually overheating? Has there been any work done that could have created air pockets, which can mimick overheating? This could explain why your temp gauge shows normal, or (since you have lost coolant) there may be an air pocket next to the sensor.

Or its bust

Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - bathtub tom

On a trad system you can jumper the fan direct to the battery to check if its bust. If you connect it up the wrong way it'll run backwards, telling you you connected it up the wrong way.

Only if it's a permanent magnet motor. If it has field coils then reversing the polarity won't affect the direction of rotation.


Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - sammy1

I would be investigating a possible air lock in the system.. They can be very difficult to remove or maybe the water pump is giving up the ghost.. You also mentioned the thermostat it the top or bottom hose cold again suggesting circulation problem. You can test the thermostat in a saucepan of water by heating it up until you see it open.

Edited by sammy1 on 07/07/2023 at 10:20

Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - edlithgow

Thermostat could explain overheating, but wouldn't explain lack of fan action

IIRC at least some of the Fiestas have a really crappy fan design which eats the commutator when the brushes wear out, so I'd start with why the fan isn't working.

This design means you have to replace the whole thing rather than just the brushes, but its still a lot cheaper than (whisper it) a head gasket, which I'd think would be another possibility

Especially if you keep driving it like that

Edited by edlithgow on 07/07/2023 at 16:44

Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - edlithgow

Thermostat could explain overheating, but wouldn't explain lack of fan action

I suppose it could if the temperature was sensed in a location outside the bit of the system that is heated when the thermostat is closed, if it failed closed.

Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - edlithgow

On a trad system you can jumper the fan direct to the battery to check if its bust. If you connect it up the wrong way it'll run backwards, telling you you connected it up the wrong way.

Only if it's a permanent magnet motor. If it has field coils then reversing the polarity won't affect the direction of rotation.


Then in such a case it would appear that you couldn't connect it up ""the wrong way", pretty much by definition.

So it doesn't matter

Are we going around in circles yet?

Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - bathtub tom
Are we going around in circles yet?

Clockwise or anti-clockwise? ;>)

Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - JOHN PETER EVANS

I thought all thermostats of this year were failsafe? {fail open) ?

Ford Fiesta - 2005 fiesta overheating - temp gauge normal - edlithgow

I thought all thermostats of this year were failsafe? {fail open) ?

What year?

But whatever year, they are a pretty simple mechanical device (unless they've been "improved"?). Hard to see how they could be guaranteed to jam open, rather than jam closed.

In any case, I'd say (a) first thing to check would be whether the fan is bust, which even on a modern car should be possible by simply hooking it up directly to electricity

And (b) ,since the OP hasn't shown any interest for a while, it probably no longer matters.