Hello everyone! :)
I am a postdoctoral researcher at NTU and am undertaking a research project about driving and dyslexia. I need your help with the first of a series of surveys that will be included in my research project. This research is not funded and I have run it past the forum moderator, who has completed the test and found it fun.
It would be very helpful if as many of you as possible took part in it. There is an extended information sheet in the link to provide you with all the necessary information about the current research, and to make sure that you are fully informed about your rights and the procedure of the study before taking part.
However, to summarise: The primary aim is to figure out which abilities drivers (both, expert drivers with a valid license and learners who do not have it yet) have to predict potential hazards on the road while the vehicle is moving.
It will last approximately 30 minutes. You will be able to complete it at any time in your own home PC.
Please note that, although the experiment could be answered on a mobile device, it is not recommended due to the size of some image answers. Please note that this experiment seeks to gather information from drivers and learners. If you are neither a driver, nor are taking lessons or learning to drive, you may still take the survey if you want to, just for fun or to see what your scores would be, but the research team will not be able to use your data for this particular experiment, so they will be excluded from any analysis.
To protect your anonymity you will create a unique username. Remember, your data will be in an anonymous form and individual identification from this will not be possible.
There are no potential side-effects to consider.
If you have any questions about your participation, or do not understand the instructions, please send me (the Principal Investigator) an email to lorena.arnal@ntu.ac.uk, and I will be happy to help. If you need to discuss anything with the PI's supervisor, please, send an email to Prof. David Crundall at david.crundall@ntu.ac.uk.
Thank you very much in advance! :D
Cheers! ^^
This is the link to the survey: