Hi I was wondering if someone could give me some advice. I bought a car off eBay as spares and parts and when I went to purchase said the guy told me that you selling the numberplates and he gave me the green slip and he said that he'll sent off for the new logbook.
In the meantime I was messaging them and he is he was keep fobbing me off about it should be any day at that time I was under a lot of stress and I never followed up with the DVLA. Anyway in the meantime I have and he sent off the logbook but he's never sent it back to me - it seems like he sent it back to him self. I made the payment by bank transfer and I bought it through eBay but it's out of the four weeks to get my money back.
I was wondering could I take him to the Small Claims Court and get him get the money back in for him to just take the car as it's just been nothing but stress. Thanks for the advice
[Tidied up a bit to make it easier to read and moved to Legal forum - Mod]
Edited by Xileno on 19/08/2022 at 17:46