Ford - Radio code ? - Topdude

I see endless posts here from owners of Ford cars about obtaining the radio code.

I'm thinking about buying a used Focus / C-Max and would like to know where the radio code should have been recorded when the vehicle was new ?

The first owners must have had it so why do so many go missing ?

Ford - Radio code ? - FP

I don't think there's a place where the code "should" have been recorded. It would have been up to the first owner to decide. When I bought a second-hand Focus some years ago, the code had been scribbled in the front of the handbook.

Ford - Radio code ? - TinaS

I had a Mk1 Focus - the owner's guide, service log and audio guide are separate booklets contained in a neat zip up case. The audio system code is entered on a card inside the front cover of the audio guide - the card has perforated edges so i would imagine in some cases this gets separated and tucked into a wallet and subsequently lost.

I only needed the code once, when the battery was changed at 13 years old. Car was eventually scrapped due to corrosion so I kept the booklets as a memento - you never know when things might come in handy!

Edited by TinaS on 18/06/2022 at 09:26

Ford - Radio code ? - elekie&a/c doctor
As already mentioned, the radio code is in the audio handbook, separate from the main book. As the cars change hands , the likelihood of the owners folder going missing increases . Also radios get swapped over at s/h car dealers but the new radio code is not recorded. If the owners handbook pack is missing at sale , then the dealer will often provide any old pack suitable for the car, which may contain a radio code but not for the car in question.
Ford - Radio code ? - Topdude

Thanks for the replies, at least i now have a clue where to look for the code.

Here's hoping i don't have to join the long list of owners asking for one !!

Ford - Radio code ? - Xileno

Mine's typed on a credit card sized thing in the owner's pack. I think it's also in the audio booklet as well. If you do need a code then one of the helpful members will undoubtedly assist!