Looking to buy this car
Has not boiled.
How do you know?
Evidence of coolant leak at head gasket.
2 small top ups of coolant over last 500 miles.
Who says? 'Small' could be anything from a teacup to a pint.
Any advice welcome.
Like most posters here I am not an expert, merely an enthusiast with a scientific education, over half a century of servicing and maintaining cars as economically as possible but with their longevity in mind, and a deep dislike of opportunistic sharp practice in some quarters of the motor trade. So I never 'advise', I just offer either an opinion, or say what I would do (not what you should do) and argue against needless dogma (eg annual oil change for low mileage drivers) and the physical, chemical and mechanical ignorance sometimes sadly displayed on this site.
In this case, I would run a country mile.
You're welcome. Happy yuletide.