Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - brianbrew2014
Hi all can anyone help me am looking for the ac drain hose plug or pipe on the Ford Fiesta 2015 as my car gets wet drivers front footwel only wen I use the air con can’t see any leaks so am sure my drainage is blocked looked in good few places but can’t find it
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - elekie&a/c doctor
There is no drain hose on these . The water condensate runs out the bottom of the heater box , straight out into the engine bay , low down on the bulkhead . If you look closely, you should see a black plastic spout just protruding out .
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - brianbrew2014
Hi yes I see a white lever spout in the bottom of the heater box like going through the floor so is there no pipe that I can clean as it’s getting wet on drivers front footwell only wen the aircon is used
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - elekie&a/c doctor
It could be a problem with the thermal lagging that insulates the ac pipes where they pass through the bulkhead from the engine bay . When the ac is on , the pipes “sweat “ and produce water condensation.
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - brianbrew2014
Thanks how would I cure the fault or what do I need
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - Andrew-T

Sorry, I don't believe this tale. There would need to be a lot of condensation for a footwell to get wet enough to be noticeable. Usually this means a rainwater leak from somewhere round the screen or in the scuttle, or possibly a leaking heater matrix - in which case it would smell of coolant and the level would drop in the coolant reservoir. 'Only when I use the air-con' just sounds unlikely to me.

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - brianbrew2014
Andrew First of all it’s not a tale secondly it’s not a coolant leak no antifreeze and it’s gets wet damp like a sweat under the foam on the drivers footwell which only happens wen I use the aircon not the heater there is no dripping if u google aircon drainage you wil understand peoples tales

Edited by brianbrew2014 on 25/03/2021 at 23:47

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - Ian D

Edited by Ian D on 26/03/2021 at 07:00

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - _
Andrew First of all it’s not a tale secondly it’s not a coolant leak no antifreeze and it’s gets wet damp like a sweat under the foam on the drivers footwell which only happens wen I use the aircon not the heater there is no dripping if u google aircon drainage you wil understand peoples tales

As I suggested earlier, look under the bonnet for blocked dainage, clear out any muck and check the pollen filter is not sopping wet.

Some of the advice is from the various Fiesta forums.

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - brianbrew2014
Hi checked pollen filter and it’s dry all drainage channels are clear it’s wet arround the vin number on floor wen ac on
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - _

So, therefore a coolant pipe leak inside the car?

Google AC specialist your area postcode and go and see them.

They can add a dye to coolant and check.

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - Andrew-T

So, therefore a coolant pipe leak inside the car?

But surely if a coolant pipe leaks, it won't leak water. And you would smell whatever it might leak ?

If the dampness as described in the footwell is moisture, it may be condensation caused by using the air-con. That could be from human breath, wet clothing and footwear, or water getting inside the car some other way. If the AC circuit has a cold exposed pipe near that footwell, that could collect condensation. Find the pipe and lag it ?

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - bathtub tom

No-one's suggested it might be on re-circ. That would mean any condensation inside the car would just continue to build up,

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - elekie&a/c doctor
I think the problem is condensate dripping from the ac pipes . Take a look up behind the dash , driver side, above clutch pedal . There are 2 ac pipes covered in insulation. These pipes terminate to a block on the bulkhead . There may be damage to the lagging . This problem is nothing to do with pollen filters or rain water entry from the under bonnet area .
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - brianbrew2014
Thanks ac doc I’ve had the aircon on cold fir a hour with engine running the pipes go cold but no dampness or drips from the ac pipes
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - sammy1

Weird. i cannot think it can be condensation from the air con. How long do you use the air con on a daily journey? My advice is to stop using the air con you do not need it this weather and see what happens when it rains. It is amazing how far a rain leak might travel before it dumps in a car

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - brianbrew2014
Hi I had the aircon of last 2 days and it was stil wet after drying it it’s definitely not sweet like coolant more like rain water smell checked everywhere even had hose pipe on it seems to build up some where til u drive it or round corners then only into drivers centre of the footwell
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - elekie&a/c doctor
Looks like you need to pull the dash and heater/ac box out of the car to find what’s going on . Not a 10 minute job . Could be a fracture in the plastic casing .

Edited by elekie&a/c doctor on 29/03/2021 at 23:32

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - brianbrew2014
Hi I’ve replaced the accumulater part and it’s been dry for 2 days with heater and air con used on full last test is wait til It rains see if any leaks so wil keep you updated

Edited by brianbrew2014 on 31/03/2021 at 08:31

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - brianbrew2014
Hi looks like problem is sorted and it was the accumulater part
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - Xileno

Excellent news, thanks for coming back to update.

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - elekie&a/c doctor
Not too sure what part has been replaced , but the accumulator is in the front wing , behind the headlight . Can’t see how this can cause excess water build up on the footwell .
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - brianbrew2014
Yes it’s behind the drivers front mudguard 1 10mm bolt with 2 hex bolts and sensor plug
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Looking for ac drain hose pipe drainage - brianbrew2014
Symptoms of a Bad or Failing AC Accumulator
Rattling noises during operation. One of the first warning signs that an accumulator has failed is a rattling noise when the AC is turned on. ...
Noticeable refrigerant leaks. Another more obvious and more serious sign that an accumulator has failed is a visible refrigerant leak. ...
Moldy smell when the AC is on.