Ford Fiesta 2015 - Hi all am looking for the ac drain hose plug - brianbrew2014
Hi all can anyone help me am looking for the ac drain hose plug or pipe on the Ford Fiesta 2015 as my car gets wet drivers front footwel only wen I use the air con can’t see any leaks so am sure my drainage is blocked
Ford Fiesta 2015 - Hi all am looking for the ac drain hose plug - _

Water gets in, down through pollen filter housing and drips in to footwell ?

have you recently changed the pollen filter

Clean out all the muck at the back of the bonnet in the dips each side where leaves etc gather, there should be a drain each side.

and, from talkford

open up the bonnet, and check where the hinge area is on the drivers side, look to the left and there is a small seam that is not filled up correctly, the water runs into that, fills the pillar with water flooding your car with water.

Ford Fiesta 2015 - Hi all am looking for the ac drain hose plug - elekie&a/c doctor
I think the op is referring to water entry when the ac system is operating , rather than rain water entry .