The internal battery is intended to capture and write the video when the unit is powered down or maybe provide bump protection. The battery is of no significant use for actually running the dash cam in daily use. It is pretty straightforward to run a lead under the headlining from above the mirror around the door trim and then along under the glove box to either a power feed or a fuse box.
In my last car I wired it into a piggy back fuse in the fuse box using a kit bought off Ebay, in my current vehicle the power socket is buried at the base of the central box, quite why as it seems a very inconvenient place for this and the adjacent USB but there we are. I ran the lead around under the transmission tunnel trim, levered up the power socket plastic base and fed the plug through the gap leaving the wire trapped by the now displaced socket base. Not pretty, but not visible either.
There is plenty of information on youtube and the various forums to show how it can be done. It can be a slow job first time round but with experience a 20/30 minute task.