Mercedes-Benz B-Class - Dealer confidence - Paul K H

I've recently embarked on putting a £200 non refundable deposit down on a car, I agreed verbally with the dealer that I'd purchase subject to him getting some detailing done on the car, I'm a little worried that he won't get the work completed as he tried to TCut some of the marks out there and then despite me saying it needed a smart repair. There is also a few other niggles I'm concerned with, namely it's advertised as having self parking and front parking sensors and I'm pretty sure that it hasn't got either, now I could see past this as he may have ticked a few too many boxes on the autotrader website but their own website also lists these options and isn't a dealer autotrader site.

I'm planning on inspecting the car the day before I collect and chop my old car in but I've not told the dealer this yet.

Anyone shine any light on where I stand with the non refundable deposit should it not meet the agreed expectations?


Mercedes-Benz B-Class - Dealer confidence - SLO76
Save a copy of the advert in case it doesn’t match the specification advertised as you will then be legally able to argue for a return of your £200 but otherwise you’re stuck.

This is a lesson everyone needs to learn, never ever pay a deposit on a car you’re not 100% sure you want to buy. If the condition isn’t up to the standards you’re looking for on inspection then walk away, the dealer will only do the minimum they can to sort it and at the end of the day it is a used vehicle and not new.

You’ve agreed to a contract to buy and the dealer will have spent time and money preparing it for you and put off other potential buyers so he’s perfectly entitled to hang on to the deposit. You shouldn’t have signed up when you weren’t completely happy and what would be the point of taking deposits if you gained no hold over the customer. In fact technically they can sue you for breach of contract if you don’t complete the sale but I’ve only ever encountered this once with a particularly awkward customer at a dealer I worked for.
Mercedes-Benz B-Class - Dealer confidence - daveyjp
If it doesn't have front sensors it won't have self parking.

However this isn't a loss as I've had a B class with it and only ever used it to show people it had it! It was useless at any other time.
Mercedes-Benz B-Class - Dealer confidence - Paul K H

To be honest the parking gizmo doesn't really interest me, more worried about whether the detailing gets done and to an acceptable standard.

I may try and use the inaccuracy of the advert to lever some extended warranty :) worth a shot but I'll not hold my breath.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class - Dealer confidence - nick62

I may try and use the inaccuracy of the advert to lever some extended warranty :) worth a shot but I'll not hold my breath.

Never ever believe a word a car salesman says, (with the very greatest of respect for SLO76).

Mercedes-Benz B-Class - Dealer confidence - SLO76
“Never ever believe a word a car salesman says, (with the very greatest of respect for SLO76).”

No offence taken, I’d tell you the same thing. Don’t trust a word they say, 99% are dishonest.
Mercedes-Benz B-Class - Dealer confidence - barney100

Don't trust Mercedes dealers. They have got worse in my experience.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class - Dealer confidence - Paul K H

It's actually a Vauxhall dealership selling it, one I've since found have a horrendous reputation.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class - Dealer confidence - Avant

No-one like to lose £200 but you may be best advised to walk away. I don't know if there were any Ts and Cs attached to the deposit (such that you get it back if the car isn't satisfactory, but non-refundable if you just change your mind), but even losing it might be better than buying a lemon.

If someone traded in their B-class for a Vauxhall, it sounds as if they didn't like the B-class very much. I wouldn't blame them: I had one once and never liked it).