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BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - Leif
I was recently given a lift by a colleague. He was going to M&S, said do you want a lift, so I said yes as I needed to pick up something for lunch. He has a BMW 4 series, and he claims it does 0-60 mph in 4 seconds. Anyway, we were on a dual carriageway at the Fareham junction south of the M27, and he accelerated very rapidly, then went round a filter lane at an incredible speed before joining the M27. I was terrified, almost screaming with fear. My previous car, a VW Up would have spun off the road. Looking back, I can’t help thinking that he is an idiot. It’s a public road, and if someone else makes a mistake, or he does, it could be costly. Then again, there has to be some reason why people buy ridiculously high performance cars. I remember him saying “you could have a car like this” (encouraging me to work harder?), but I don’t have any desire for such a car. I have enough money that I could pay cash for one tomorrow. But it’s not my ‘thing’.

Incidentally, this weekend I played two games of ice hockey, which is very fast and can be aggressive. I’m not against adrenaline! But in it’s place.
BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - Miniman777

Does he have a short lunch break - hence the speed? :)

Sounds like your colleague needs a hint about taking out a decent life insurance policy if his want is to drive like Lewis Hamilton on the track. Most of us would prefer to drive slower, arrive in one piece than several along with collateral damage on the way.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - RobJP

Unless it was an M4, rather than a 4 series, then he's telling porky pies about the acceleration. The fastest of the 'normal' 4 series, the 435d, does 0-60 in 4.7 seconds. Thankfully, it's also AWD, so maybe that explains why he feels able to chuck it into corners at such speed.

Even so, he sounds like a bit of an eejit.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - gordonbennet

I've been a passenger in a 300+hp Imprezza RA (lightened), entering a sharp corner or roundabout at 40 and leaving it at 80 and still accelerating at a rate that seems unbelievable is both a terrifying and yet exhilarating experience, the G forces alone can leave you quite breathless, no 2WD could do this in the completely composed manner that these performance cars can unless conditions are perfect.

You've got to have faith in the driver though, there are some i wouldn't sit beside but that applies whatever vehicle they drive.

Edited by gordonbennet on 21/05/2018 at 08:31

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - nellyjak

Obviously somewhat of an ego driven show off....best avoided at all costs usually.

One can only hope that a)...his luck holds...and b) when he finally has to reach into his bag of talent he doesn't find it empty.!

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - Chris M

Irresponsible on the highway imo. Especially if the driver can't assess what's ahead fully. Pedestrians, broken down vehicle, pothole, debris in the road, ice, oil, the list is endless. The occupants of a new BMW or similar are likely to walk away from any accident. Other road users may not be so fortunate.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - daveyjp

The only person I would trust to drive me fast on a public highway is a fully trained police pursuit driver.

Anyone else is just a show off and will come to a sticky end eventually. The hot weather this weekend seemed to flush out all the local loons - usually in VW GTis, RS32s or various Audi S and RS models.

In a 6 mile round trip I saw someone who had just been knocked off a motorbike by a van. 10 minutes later I came across another accident. Someone had just been knocked over crossing the road.

It appeared to be a case of someone turning left, but not looking left before doing so. They pulled out of a supermarket car park just as a person had started crossing.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - SteveLee

The only person I would trust to drive me fast on a public highway is a fully trained police pursuit driver.

I did a 4 hour endurance karting event in the wet with a "fully trained police pursuit driver" plus my brother and my partner who at the time had not even passed her test, the fully trained police pursuit driver didn't manage more than a handful of laps without spinning - and when she did manage a spin-free lap, was 4-5 seconds per lap slower than my (novice) partner and 10-12 secs a lap slower than my brother and me. Just shows you can be trained to the hilt and still have absolutely zero talent or car control. My brother remarked "no wonder the criminals get away" - can't really argue with that!

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - Leif

The only person I would trust to drive me fast on a public highway is a fully trained police pursuit driver.

I did a 4 hour endurance karting event in the wet with a "fully trained police pursuit driver" plus my brother and my partner who at the time had not even passed her test, the fully trained police pursuit driver didn't manage more than a handful of laps without spinning - and when she did manage a spin-free lap, was 4-5 seconds per lap slower than my (novice) partner and 10-12 secs a lap slower than my brother and me. Just shows you can be trained to the hilt and still have absolutely zero talent or car control. My brother remarked "no wonder the criminals get away" - can't really argue with that!

I’m not sure you can draw that conclusion. They have to drive as fast as they can whilst remaining safe. It’s quite possible they don’t push their car to the limits of its handling given the consequences of exceeding them. But I’m no trained police driver so I’m guessing.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - alan1302

The only person I would trust to drive me fast on a public highway is a fully trained police pursuit driver.

Just shows you can be trained to the hilt and still have absolutely zero talent or car control. My brother remarked "no wonder the criminals get away" - can't really argue with that!

No, not really - just shows they are not quick to get used to a totally different driving experience.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - TheGentlemanThug

Police pursuit drivers are trained to drive safely, not to drive like racers. As someone else pointed out, they drive based on what they can see. Bear in mind they need to do all this whilst commenting on every aspect of a pursuit and listening out for updates from control.

Edited by Bicycle_Repair_Man on 22/05/2018 at 15:40

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - Scirocco
I also do a karting event with police pursuit drivers every year and they aren’t quick. Police driver training isn’t particularly about going fast round corners, the techniques they teach stifle speed on track because they’re taught to feed the wheel and left foot braking doesn’t come into it. It’s mostly about driving at high speed in straight lines being as safe as possible while communicating on radio and being ready to pull off containment manoeuvres. Most don’t have much interest in driving outside of work

Edited by Scirocco on 03/06/2018 at 16:04

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - catsdad
Coincidentally I too was given a lift on the M27 this weekend, also near Fareham, in my BIL's newly acquired 5L Mustang. 4.6 secs to 60 I think.

I must say I was impressed with the smoothness and responsiveness. He drove sensibly but the sheer power had us both grinning. Its not a car where you can use anything like its full performance on the public road and it would be very unnerving to be a passenger with a driver showing off. But for a couple of middle aged blokes on a sunny Saurday it made a welcome escape from the wedding.

Mind you so would a trip in a Lada ;-).

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - drd63

4.6 sec 0-60. I can't get mine under 5!

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - craig-pd130
I’m not against adrenaline! But in it’s place.

Agree 100%. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool biker and have a bike of above-average performance, so I'm aware of how briskly bikes can accelerate, and the visibility advantages that riders have compared with car drivers (eyelines are higher, so bikers can usually see more of the road and what's coming - rather like a truck driver can). This combination enables a considerate rider to make swift progress when in traffic, without upsetting other road users.

But every weekend I see riding behaviour from other bikers that makes me wince - forcing other road users to avoid them by aggressively performing the most marginal overtaking opportunities, swooping around cars whose drivers were not aware of the bike approaching, etc. These riders are leaving themselves (and other road users) no margin for error at all.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - gordonbennet

Craig the type of riding (and driving just as hard) you descibe has always been around, usually but not always the preserve of young men.

Road vehicles are now capable of far more than they used to be, in performance braking and handling, speeds and resulting G forces have increased, but on much more crowded roads amid cars that have the increasingly poor all round visibility.

What hasn't improved is driver competence, arguably that has deteriorated because many drivers never learned just how little grip there can be as the modern car sorts their mistakes out before they get anywhere near having to take deliberate corrective measures.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - Falkirk Bairn

>>Road vehicles are now capable of far more than they used to be,

Unfortunately the same canot be said of your average driver!

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - TheGentlemanThug

Perhaps he drove in such a reckless and dangerous manner to show off, or perhaps he drives that way all the time? In either case, he's a bellend.

If he stuffs his car and hurts himself, big deal, he created the situation and can live with the consequences. It's the poor sods that are directly or indirectly affected by his actions that I feel sorry for. A car is capable of killing entire families in one fell swoop, yet very few people treat it with the respect it deserves.

I've nothing against high-performance cars as they can be driven quickly in somewhat safe environments, such as track days, but don't bring that kind of driving on the public road.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - sammy1

The experienced driver uses common sense when using the performace of their car but all to often misjudgement at high speed has bad conseqences. However someone dawdling along a busy motorway at 45-50mph can be equally as culpable. Modern cars with their better brakes and safety devices have much improved stopping distances than when the speed limits of 30 and 70 were introduced. I think that they are still set at sensible levels although 75 -80 seems to be the acceptable limit on the motorway.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - catsdad
daveyjp mentions police pursuit drivers. i had a friend who was one and the range of speeds he used were very surprising. He would slow down much more than most drivers for bends to the distance he could actually see but give the car its head on the open road.
Too many everyday drivers assume they can belt round a bend at the speed limit or at the limits of adhesion, rather than according to what they can see.
BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - skidpan

The experienced driver uses common sense when using the performace of their car

Experienced does not mean competent, two very different things. And common sense is not as common as it should be.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - Manatee

The experienced driver uses common sense when using the performace of their car

Experienced does not mean competent, two very different things. And common sense is not as common as it should be.

Well said Skidpan. And there is a big difference between confidence and competence too. Some people never learn.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - Lrac

My whole area is full of people that drive like this in their clapped out dented BMW / Audis.

The Mercs are driven just as aggressively but they are of the new PCP ilk.

What is it about German cars?

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - Leif

My whole area is full of people that drive like this in their clapped out dented BMW / Audis.

The Mercs are driven just as aggressively but they are of the new PCP ilk.

What is it about German cars?

They produce so called driver’s cars, with high performance, high status and a go fast image. Japanese cars don’t really have that image. Incidentally a colleague sold his car - Toyota Supra I think - to his younger cousin who killed himself in it. He wasn’t used to the power.

Edited by Leif on 21/05/2018 at 23:36

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - corax
Incidentally a colleague sold his car - Toyota Supra I think - to his younger cousin who killed himself in it. He wasn’t used to the power.

But you don't get in a car that's known to be powerful and immediately stick your boot down. If you have any sense you build up gradually and find out the cars capabilities. And to kill yourself you've got to be doing something pretty crazy in a powerful car like the Supra. If you get out of hand on public roads there just isn't the space to correct the situation unless you are very lucky.

I think that more than ever the younger generation of drivers don't know how to correct a slide because modern cars are so surefooted that they never allow the driver to gain experience. By the time it's sliding you're going pretty fast and it's getting beyond control.

BMW 4 Series - Terrified when given lift - Leif

You don't have to immediately stick your foot down. All it takes is exuberance and a lack of caution. I've seen people in a powerful car lose it on a roundabout, all it takes is a bit of showing off, and "oops, I misjudged that one". There was a recent case near where I live where a middle aged chap was showing off his sports car to the son of a friend/relative. He lost control, and the child was killed. Do you have to do something crazy? Surely just corner a bit too fast, the car skids, and you have a high speed head on collision. (Well, okay you might call that crazy if you wish, but I assume you mean really mad as in full on racing on a public road.)