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Caught speeding - richt12


So i was stopped by the police tonight for speeding, doing 45-50mph in a 30. I was totally honest with them and i did say i was going too fast. They took my details (name, address, registration) asked the usual questions like where i was going and if i had been drinking. They then warned me to watch my speed and to be careful then sent me on my way. Just looking for a little bit of advice as they didn't give me a verbal nip. Should i expect a nip in the post or have i just got off with a warning.

Caught speeding - RobJP

They don't need to give you a written NIP, because they've stopped you. They don't need to send you a NIP in the post, because they've stopped you.

Basically, they can now leave you to sweat for up to 6 months. That's how long they've got to 'commence proceedings' against you.

You may have gotten off with it though. Because I'd have expected them to have breath/drug tested you while they had you stopped.

Caught speeding - richt12

I thought they would've let me know on the spot if it was going to go any further. They seemed to be in a bit of a rush to get away themselves. I'll just have to sweat it for the next six months.

Caught speeding - Brit_in_Germany

If they said "45-50 mph", this indicates to me that they do not have a recorded value and were just estimating your speed from experience.

Caught speeding - daveyjp
From what you say it sounds like you passed the attitude test by accepting you were going too fast and there was nothing else to concern the police.

They may not have had evidence of your speed, however that doesn’t stop a driving without due care charge.
Caught speeding - Gerry Sanderson

Rob JP

Above not strictly true.

Stopping a person for speeding and intending to take prosecution action there

is an obligation at law to inform the offender AT THE TIME that they are being reported for the

consideration of the question of prosecuting for the offence in words to that effect.

IF not done then written NOIP sent with in 14 days.

Unless of course issued with a FPN there and then which acts as a NOIP


Caught speeding - focussed

Reading between the lines:-

You passed the attitude test as posted above.

Apart from the excess speed your standard of driving was ok.

The police car was not equipped with the certified equipment to measure your speed or it wasn't working etc.

As a police motorcyclist once said to me "Everybody speeds, but if you speed like a pr*t you will more than likely get nicked"

Caught speeding - focussed

Reading between the lines:-

You passed the attitude test as posted above.

Apart from the excess speed your standard of driving was ok.

The police car was not equipped with the certified equipment to measure your speed or it wasn't working etc.

As a police motorcyclist once said to me "Everybody speeds, but if you speed like a pr*t you will more than likely get nicked"