>>As i do a lot of motorway driving around up to 80mph, the average fuel consumption isn't great around 25mpg. It costs around £30 in petrol to do the round trip of 135 miles to/from work. So 22p per mile.
Which rather makes a mockery of the 'Low CO2' moniker and BIK tax!!
Anyway, assuming this is a company motor...
List is around £35k. Rough BIK figures:
18/19 13% £4555 taxable £910 payable @ 20%, £1820 @ 40%
19/20 16% £5600 / £1120 / £1240
20/21 15% £4900 / £980 / £1960 (still be be agreed by HMG - gradutated for electric range)
If you went to a diesel XC60, CO2 around 130-150 depending on model. Based on 140g/km and list of £40k
18/19 29+3% £12800 / £2560 / £5120
19/20 32+3% £14000 / £2800 / £5600
20/21 33+3% 14400 / £2880 / £5760
So significant savings in BIK for you, but offset against increase in fuel costs; company's cost would be reduced by going diesel, but not sure if enough to offset your increased costs (or if they would even play that game!). Surely though at £800 / month, which is best part of £30k over 3 years, they'd be better off buying it, and hoping that they could trade it in for more than £5k - although that somewhat depends on how many miles you are doing.