But it serves a valuable point in calling out that the problem is louts exist on all sides and there is a self entitlement view on the car driving side that needs challenging and correcting.
Some recent motoring lout examples.
First double parking lout, causing road problems slowing lots of traffic and blocking another car in then swearing at blocked in car driver when he asked to be let out.
Second inconsiderate lout. As a group of cyclists we had come across a horse rider who's horse gets spooked easily. We had slowed to walking pace to pass slowly, but impatient prat lout has to use car horn to complain that he cannot proceed instantly causing horse to panic and nearly pitching its rider off.
Third while cycling on my own impatient, dangerous and stupid lout has to over take me on blind bend so he ends up head on towards car coming the other way who uses horn to alert stupid lout of risk so dangerous lout has to swerve close to me and I have to leave the road surface to avoid a crash.
I see lots of louts while I drive and cycle about. Some ride bikes but most drive cars and have an over entitled attitude of they are the priority in the road. As we wake up to the health problems cars bring perhaps we car drivers need to adopt more humility and stop acting like we are the most important.
And remember lots of adult cyclists are also car drivers. Does that create a more balanced view on the issue?? Also cyclist and car have a crash, I am pretty certain the cyclist will feel it more, regardless of blame.