Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - dan86

Some back roomers might remember last year my mum inherented her late uncle's cherished 1962 Mercedes 300sl roadster. It had been sat undriven since the early 80s (befor I was born). After getting it recoverd to storage on my mum's property I with the help if a a friend got it looking like new and driving. I had IT MOTd and it's been sitting up waiting for some nice weather.

I've decided that today is the day I'm going to take it out on the road for th first time. Road tax done last night (free) insurance sorted £150. My mum can't drive so she's promised it to me in her will and has agreed I can use it.

Any advice from back roomers on a nice drive in the South East to take it on?

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - RaineMan

Whereabouts, north or south of Thames? Don't want to send you into Bluewater area or similar! I like early starts on a Sunday and then stopping off for breakfast/brunch before 'shopping' lemmings head out! :)

Edited by RaineMan on 18/03/2017 at 08:05

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - dan86

I'm in Bromley the car us in Keston so just up the road.

My wifes already choosing the right outfit including the correct sunglass. I think she fancies herself as Audrey Hepburn.

Edited by dan86 on 18/03/2017 at 08:11

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - RobJP

Though you can't post pictures on here, you could always put some up on photobucket and then post the link up. Would love to see it, I remember the thread when you were talking about it.

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - Stanb Sevento

Ah the joys. It does not matter where you go just drive it. I've just turned a light shade of green.

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - RaineMan

I am not overly familiar with the area but if it is not to far Box Hill is quite a pleasant place to visit. There are some nice walks and an NT cafe. At the bottom of the hill is Ryka's. It is more a bikers' cafe but I have always found that more bikers seem interested in classics than your average car driver. Hope the Mercedes goes well and yes some pictures would be great! I need to get a classic back on the road as looking out at the sunshine is giving me withdrawal symptoms...

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - dan86

Box hill isn't to far about 45 minutes drive sounds like a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion.

Edited by dan86 on 18/03/2017 at 09:27

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - SLO76
Book yourself a few days in sunny Scotland during our 2 week long summer, we've some of the best driving roads in the world. Scenery is much more accessible in a convertible too.
Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - dan86

Sounds like a good idea SLO76.

Had a fantastic day drove down to box hill taking a gental drive to warm the car up (10 liter oil capacity) then after a nice stop off at the cafe there for a cup off coffee. Car was admired by many people got asked lots of questions and a few offers to buy it. Then drive cross country to visit some friends in Eynsford for a spot of lunch. Then home via the M25 and A21. The car drove fantastic all day even kept up with modern motorway traffic without any problems. I haven't stopped smiling all day.

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - RaineMan

Glad to hear you had a pleasant day. Most post 1960 cars of 2 litres and above can keeep up with modern traffic apart from standing starts.

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - John F

. The car drove fantastic all day even kept up with modern motorway traffic without any problems.

Ha! Gone are the days of the late 20th century when a dawn start and motorway cruise control set at 85ish would see you at the Cornish riviera in a few hours. These days a 50yr old Reliant Robin would have little difficulty keeping up with today's insp***ated sluggish M-way traffic.

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - Engineer Andy

. The car drove fantastic all day even kept up with modern motorway traffic without any problems.

Ha! Gone are the days of the late 20th century when a dawn start and motorway cruise control set at 85ish would see you at the Cornish riviera in a few hours. These days a 50yr old Reliant Robin would have little difficulty keeping up with today's insp***ated sluggish M-way traffic.

Indeed - you'll probably get stuck (from my route from 'leafy' Herts) just south of Bristol of The M5, or, if you leave any later than 7.30am, by the M40-M4 turnoffs on the M25. And that's on a Saturday outside the main (school) holiday season.

I normally allow 7 hours total, including an hour for lunch and two 20 minute breaks to stretch my legs and 'use the facilities'. Not so bad, given the places I normally go to on my hols don't usually have their accommodation ready until 3-4pm for the most part.

It does mean though, for self-catering holidaymakers like myself that you either take a big risk in doing your shopping first (defrosting grub) or go at 5pm+ and be forced into buying the few bits of r****** left at the end of the biggest shopping day in the week, especially in holiday season.

I'm still awaiting a year when any of the main roads I travel on down there don't have any major roadworks in 'operation' (not that there's anything happening during the day, presumably for safety reasons).

On the upside, back in 2022 I think, my car's mpg average over the trip went up by another 5% over normal (and a record for me), mainly because of the significant roadworks on the M5 for a long distance, where it had a 50mph limit, and for once, drivers were being sensible and giving each other enough room.

I now no longer think of dry, warm days as ones that I'd like to go out for a drive in an open-top sports car, but prime days for a long cycle ride around the picturesque parts of the region, as I (just) managed this past Sunday.

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - Avant

Great to hear this. Congratulations on getting it running and ready for the road. It's good to know about a classic Mercedes being driven and enjoyed as it's meant to be.. No doubt your mum will enjoy being taken out for a spin in it.

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - dan86

That's going to be her mothers day treat Avant. A nice drive in the Kent countryside the stop off for afternoon tea at the Rowhill grange hotel.

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - Obsession


Just read with great interest about your old Mercedes. I have a few old classics including classic Mercedes and would love to ask a few questions about the car. I'm based in Sutton, Surrey.

Many thanks and hopefully hear from you soon.

Mercedes Benz 300sl - The Sun's out the tops going down - barney100

Eastbourne then round Beachy Head.