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Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - Darrenj2308


My son has had an ongoing issue with his brakes on his Ka.

He had his brake pads replaced and the guy (mechanic friend) changing them said one of his discs had worn so changed that as well.

A week later he took it to Kwik Fit to fit a new back box on the exhaust and they said the n/s front wheel was red hot, he took it to another garage as he couldn't get hold of his mate, (and still can't), they had it a week and they changed the calipers and master cylinder but the brakes were still binding, they didn't know what else to do so gave it back to him with the brakes still binding and suggested he go to a Ford dealer who might be able to help but he is reluctant to do that as the costs are now mounting and cant really afford the charges.

The car is off the road until this is sorted so any ideas on what this could be as he has changed brake pads, disc, calipers and master cylinder, any ideas will be greatly received so he can get it back on the road.


Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - bathtub tom
He had his brake pads replaced and the guy (mechanic friend) changing them said one of his discs had worn so changed that as well.

Are you saying only one brake disc was changed?

It's been reported that it's possible for a brake pipe to collapse internally, effectively making it a non-return valve. Worthy of investigation?

I'd certainly jack it up to see which corner was binding and concentrate my effort there.

Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - madf

I had this on a Fiesta. The garage may have used brake pipe clamps when changing the disks as the disk cylinders have to be pushed back in. IF they did, it is likely that the internal wall of the flexible brake pipe has ruptured and it acts as a one way valve keeping the disk brake on that wheel.

Get them to change the flexi brake hose on the wheel.

Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - gordonbennet

I'd get it looked at by a proper mechanic, if the first bloke to look at it fitted one brake disc only then he needs to be avoided at all costs.

The second mob sound like they threw new parts at it hoping to find a fix along the way, and should be avoided too.

Edited by gordonbennet on 20/06/2016 at 16:54

Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - Darrenj2308

Sorry I didnt make it clear enough he changed both discs but only one was worn.

Thats great advice we will look at the pipe this week, the amount of time they have been clamped I think that is a possibility


Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - Darrenj2308

I have just spoken to my son and he assures me they changed both flexi brake pipes

Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - gordonbennet

Still say it needs a mechanic.

Given all the parts thrown at it i believe it can only be either seized/sticking sliders on the calipers (fitter not mechanic dunnit guv), or the wrong or poor quality discs or pads which either are slightly offset (discs) or wrong dimensions leading to either the pads jamming in situ in the caliper or the sum total widths of pads and disc being too much for the design...note if hubs weren't cleaned up properly after the old discs came off the new correct disc could be offset for that reason.

Someone who knows what they are doing needs to pull the calipers pads and discs off and have a good measure and spec check up, then reassemble with correct lube in the correct places, said mechanic will make sure the pads are a sliding fit in their fitting grooves too, won't be the first time pattern pads needed to be fettled with a little to make them a not tight fit.

Edited by gordonbennet on 20/06/2016 at 20:03

Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - Darrenj2308

That's great, thank you, I will try to find a reliable local mechanic to have a look at it for him to try to sort it out

thanks again for your advice

Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - MrEckerslikefromRamsbottom

I've just re-read this after thinking that it's one of these new Ford Ka thingies which are really a Fiat 500!

As it's a 1998 Ka (were they really making them so long ago?) you have done very well to keep it running for so long. Now a binding disc brake, at that age? I would suggest that it has to be a wear lip inside the cylinder. You've changed everything else... Bite the bullet and fit two new calipers and get a few more years out of it!

Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - gordonbennet

New calipers already fitted, new master cyl, new flexis, new discs and pads.

Nothing left bar the servo, surprised KF didn't bung one of those on for good measure.

Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - Peter D

Assuming the car is on the flat run the engine and check the rolling resistance then turn it off and pump the brake pedal 10 times then check the rolling resistance again. If it has eased off then I suspect the servo has failed.

Regards Peter

Ford Ka 1.3l, R Reg (1998) - Ford Ka Braking Issue - Cyd

Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE that the flexi pipes were changed? DO they look new with nice shiney metal connections at each end?

If so many parts have been changed i have 3 suggestions:

1. what make of pads were used? Cheap ones? I've come across cheap pads where the quality of the baking plate pressing was so poor they had burrs and the plate was over size in critical moving areas by enough fractions of a mm that they wouldn't move freely. Make absolutley certain that the pads are free to move in their sliders.

2. debris in a pipeline somewhere? I'm guessing this car does not have ABS given it's age. I would disconnect the brake lines at the caliper input port and pressure bleed some fluid through. Reconnect and repeat from the bleed nipple
Assuming it's a non ABS model, you could disconnect the pipes at the master cylinder and blow them through from an airline

3. you could check that fluid is free to flow both ways by putting a set of worn pads back in (temporarily) or a piece of wood and pump the pistons out. Now use a wind back tool to make sure the piston can be returned ok and that the fluid flows in reverse ok. DO NOT DO THIS IF THE CAR HAS ABS.