i hit a bike in tesco car park today, as i swung in to park all of sudden i noticed a bike in front hit brakes but hit it. it had been parked on the chevrons.
now i spoke to policeman and he said if it happened on normal road ie public highway he wouldnt have leg to stand on as shouldnt be parked there. but because of private land, ie tesco cark park he wasnt sure.
anyone know what the outcome will be, will i be liable even though he shouldnt have parked there and could be described as parked dangerously or is it my fault for going over chevrons which i guess it will be
The fact that YOU hit something in front of you that you should have seen makes you primarily responsible - the bike owner's action in parking there means that you may not be 100% responsible - but arguing that % could be expensive but that's an issue for your insurer as you will still have a claim against you.
Edited by RT on 09/06/2016 at 22:07