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nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - Studo11

Hi, i know there are a lot of threads out there on this but almost too many to make sence of them all lol, i have recently bought a nissan micra 52 plate off of a 'friend' that said it broke down then re started once now just wont start at all, it tries to but will not fire, i have replaced the battery and spark plugs and checked that they are sparking blue, also have changed the oil, oil filter air and fuel filter as a service was 4 years overdue :/ any help would be great thanks, stuart

nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - elekie&a/c doctor
This year micro is just on the model change,so is this a K11 or K 12 version?
nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - Studo11

I'm not at home at the moment but I'm sure it is the k11 the older shape not the new bubbly shape

nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - Peter D

Are you sure the fuel pump is running. Regards Peter

nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - Studo11

I will double check when I'm home from work, but I did also check the fuel pump and thought it was, I will let you know how I get on, thanks stuart

nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - Studo11

Have checked and the fuel pump is definetely running?:/ not the news I was hoping for lol thanks stuart

nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - Quicksilver

These had a habit of flooding and overfueling. I believe it was related to the temperture sensor.


nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - bathtub tom

Didn't these have the facility such that if you held the throttle fully open whilst cranking, ther'd be no fuel delivered? That would clear any flooding.

nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - Studo11

Hi all, I have just done a compression test on the engine and found all the cylinders down on compression with readings of 90, 40, 60 and 80?:/ I'm hues sing worn piston rings any ideas, thanks stuart

nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - elekie&a/c doctor
These readings are too low.Were the spark plugs wet when you took them out?
nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - Fernando P

"a service was 4 years overdue"

How many miles do you think the engine has done!

nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - Studo11

no they wasnt wet? and maybe 35000 miles?

nissan micra - nissan micra 52 plate wont start - elekie&a/c doctor
You will need to try to restore compression,otherwise it will never start.Remove the spark plugs and pour approx 1 tablespoon of engine oil down each bore.Leave for a few hours,then refit the plugs.try to start the car.You may need to give it near full throttle for it to fire.