Just got this car and like many things about it. However there is clearly a problem : I thought that there was an auto box problem but the more I drive it, the more I am convinced that the problem is between the box and the wheels in the 'final drive' or thereabouts.
The phenomenon is as follows : The noise level (this car is well sound-proofed and I have new tyres) somewhere starts to increase from 55 mph. It's a low frequency rumbling noise which increases with vehicle speed rather than box revs. At 65 mph a bit more noise and if I am cruising at 80+ mph with cruise control on (in D or S or M box mode) the noise is definitely higher and whatever is causing it starts to shake the car a bit. The more I drive the more the shaking can increase and the noise starts to boom around the cabin of the car. When the phenomenon is in full swing, if I depress the accelerator fully down to go into 'kick-down', the car cannot accelerate normally and seems 'blocked' - shaking can increase even more at this point. Any ideas ? Many thanks.