Most recently answered licence renewal questions

Are there delays from the DVLA with renewing driving licences?

Several times I've tried to renew my licence online, each time I'm told that it's expired and the photo is out of date. Both are wrong; my licence expires in two weeks and my passport photo is only two...

What is the latest news on renewal of driving licences for over 70s?

My wife made a postal application to renew her driving licence (she is over 70) in March. She has heard nothing from DVLA and all attempts through website, email and phone to pursue the non-appearance...

I posted the renewal of my over-70 driving license on 23 March 2020 and still not received it back on 20 May 2020.

Isn't about time motoring organisations/press put pressure on the government regarding renewing over-70's licences? They are allowing cars six months grace for MoTs. A lot of over 70's need their cars...

I sent my passport to the DVLA to get my licence back over three weeks ago (after a ban). I can't phone the DVLA due to coronavirus. I need it for work. What do I do?

I have friend who has a mild form of glaucoma. Having reported it to DVLA, he was asked to get a test at an optician from a list advised by DVLA. He was told that he would hear from DVLA in two to three...