Most recently answered batteries questions

I purchased a 20 plate BMW 330e in July 2023 from Motorpoint. Upon purchasing the car I opted for the additional warranty, and cited that I wanted to be covered for everything as I am aware the cost of...

My diesel engine is a 1990 unit, can I just replace the lead acid battery for a lithium battery

I understand that the batteries on EVs are not as susceptible to fire as news reports might suggest. However in the event of the drive battery catching fire and destroying the car is that covered by the...

I've recently purchased a new Toyota Corolla hybrid. In the last four weeks, despite frequent driving with some long journeys, I've received repeated 12v low battery warnings while parked for a few minutes...

Can a self charging hybrid car be safely left unused for 2 weeks or more? Will it reliably start on return from a holiday.

I'm thinking of buying a fairly new used car. Most of them seem to have mild hybrid engines, but I haven't found information on how long these batteries last and how much they cost to replace. As I understand...

I note that this dash cam can be operated by battery, I assume by internal battery alone, can you advise as to how long it will operate by battery, and is the battery included in the cost? I also note...

I am thinking of purchasing a 3 year old Suzuki with mild hybrid but am concerned on the life / replacement cost of the hybrid battery etc.
I believe Suzuki give 3 year warranty on new card which can be...

Should you put grease on battery terminals to protect from corrosion?