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I've been given a parking charge notice for stopping to use the toilet at a supermarket - is this legal?
I stopped briefly in a car park to use a supermarket's toilet. I was there 12 minutes with my wife waiting in the car. I have now been sent a parking charge notice saying that I can appeal within 14 days, which I have. Their response was that they will respond in 28 days, by which time I am passed the time of having to pay the £60 instead of the £100. Is this legal?
Asked on 17 February 2017 by Frank Jeynes

I'm afraid it is legal. Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, Clause 56 and Beavis v Parking Eye, Supreme Court November 2015. Unfair. Immoral. No compassion ever shown. But if you breach the terms of the parking contract the penalty is legal.
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