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My new car developed expensive faults - and the dealer refused to help
I bought a car for £5500, which was the top end of the prices for the year model and mileage. The dealer told me they would provide a three month warranty, but when faults began to appear within this period they said it was for one month - and engine and gearbox only.
I have given them every opportunity to comply with the Sale of Goods Act and they have refused, meanwhile I have had to spend over £700 and the car is still awaiting a new clutch and a couple of other items - total expenditure will be well over £1000.
I am more than willing to take them to the Small Claims Court, but they are a limited company and there are other companies in their ownership. If I am awarded the final sum with costs I suspect they will wind up the company I have the claim against - is there anything I can do to pre-empt this?
Otherwise I will just be adding court fees to the money I am already out of pocket. Help!
I have given them every opportunity to comply with the Sale of Goods Act and they have refused, meanwhile I have had to spend over £700 and the car is still awaiting a new clutch and a couple of other items - total expenditure will be well over £1000.
I am more than willing to take them to the Small Claims Court, but they are a limited company and there are other companies in their ownership. If I am awarded the final sum with costs I suspect they will wind up the company I have the claim against - is there anything I can do to pre-empt this?
Otherwise I will just be adding court fees to the money I am already out of pocket. Help!
Asked on 9 December 2012 by jill12

Unfortunately not. But cost them more to wind up a company than to repair your car, or give you your money back.
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