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Insuring a 17yo on a trade policy
I'm a trader buying and selling vehicles and I have a 17 year old son who is coming to work for me, however my current insurance company won't allow him on my Motor Trade policy, are there any companies out there that will?
I know it's going to cost me a bit but it will still be cheaper than employing someone else to drive cars for me. I have heard of other youngsters being allowed on these policies,thanks.
I know it's going to cost me a bit but it will still be cheaper than employing someone else to drive cars for me. I have heard of other youngsters being allowed on these policies,thanks.
Asked on 2 September 2012 by armcosurfer

Sorry, I just don't know. It's a big ask in the current insurance climate. NFU Mutual always used to be best in this circumstance.
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