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Why are claims companies able to solicit personal injury claims from people?

I had an unsolicited call from someone who did not identify themselves, advising me that there was money available to me for personal injury resulting from an accident in 2009. They had all the details of the accident that they must have got from an insurer. I said I was not injured. They then tried to persuade me that I must have been in some way injured and they could get compensation. I then made a clear statement saying I sustained no injury whatsoever and had no claim so they finally gave up. Less honest or more gullible people might have gone along with them, thus bumping up all our insurance premiums even more. This sort of thing is tantamount to soliciting to incite the crime of fraud and surely should be illegal. I rang back the number they called from and found the switchboard acts for three groups of claims companies. What can be done about this?

Asked on 16 June 2011 by PS, Highclere

Answered by Honest John
Blame unemployment. These are the only jobs these people can get. There is no control over soliciting for business in this way. But if they proceeded to make a spurious claim on your behalf then that would be very illegal.

BJ informs us that the reporting systems that seem to work best are email notification at ICO.gsi.gov.uk, by letter to Insurance Data Base Services Limited 6-12 Capital Drive, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 6XT, or by letter to Monitoring and Compliance Unit, Claims Management Regulation, 57-60 High Street, Burton on Trent, Staffs DE14 1JS
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