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Porsche barrelled
I am 73 and, on your recommendation exchanged my Renault Laguna 2.2 TD Family 7 seat estate, under the scrappage scheme. I followed, very closely, your continued recommendations for the Hyundai i10. One of the things that tipped me into the purchase was "exemption from the congestion charge"? After purchase I contacted 'TFL', first on their web site but with no success and then by phone. I was told that my car does not qualify for exemption. I then contacted customer services at Hyundai and they told me "Unfortunately the government overturned the policy to make the i10 exempt from the London congestion charge." What happened and how did it receive no publicity? It still has a much smaller footprint than a Prius, and used much less energy to produce and transport.
Asked on 26 September 2009 by

Boris Johnson changed the rules proposed by Ken Livingstone that would have allowed cars under 120g/km in free, funded by penalising high emitters with a £25 charge. So blame (or congratulate) Boris.
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Cheap to own. All models have airc on, five seatbelts and flat folding rear seats. Rides and handles quite well for its size. 99g/km Blue model from early 2011.