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Cars keep parking over our driveway and blocking us coming and going. What can I do?

I live next door to a children's day nursery. For the most part, this is fine. Unfortunately, some parents park over my drive. I was late for a dental appointment last week as I couldn't get off the drive, then on returning couldn't get on again. We are in our 60s and had to jog to my daughter's house more than a mile away as I couldn't get off the drive. This is not in a built-up area and there are some garages with parking about 200 yards away. This is just lazy. I've tried talking to the owner, who makes the right noises but doesn't seem to stop it. It is a proper dropped kerb but no other parking restrictions and in a 40mph limit. What can I do?

Asked on 10 March 2021 by steve h

Answered by Georgia Petrie
Unfortunately, this is a growing issue in the UK as we have little on-road parking, narrow roads and an increasing number of cars. I would speak to the owners again and tell them you plan to get the council and possibly the police involved as it's an obstruction to block a dropped kerb and to keep you from accessing/exiting your own property. The first step with any anti-social parking problem is to contact your local authority and/or the police on their non-emergency number. However, there is little the law can do to support homeowners in this situation as it's a civil matter rather than criminal.

In some circumstances, the local authority can take civil enforcement action if a vehicle is parked in front of a dropped kerb so it would be advisable to contact them. If it were me, I'd also take photos of the cars blocking your driveway as proof. Another option is to pursue a legal claim for nuisance on the grounds that the driver is interfering with your use and enjoyment of your property – but to do so you’d need to know the identity of the offending vehicle’s owner. If you get nowhere with the council and the police, I'd try Citizens Advice last.
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