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Can people park on the solid white lines outside my residence?
My neighbour (who lives in the flat above mine) and I have a dropped kerb and solid white line outside our flats, so we can access our separate driveways. What is the current law regarding people parking on this white line? The window cleaner parks there all the time, as do my other neighbours. I have to reverse out into oncoming traffic and, with cars parked both sides of a one way street, vision is poor. However, if I have a guest over can they park on the white line as they won't be obstructing my driveway or my neighbour's driveway?
Asked on 3 September 2018 by Anon

As you probably know, you can't park in front of a dropped kerb because it's classed as an obstruction to driveways and to wheelchair users, cyclists etc trying to get off or on the kerb. However, when it comes to white lines it's a little different. White lines are used to discourage people parking from there, but it's not legally enforceable. You can only request an owner to move their vehicle. So, as long as the driveway isn't blocked, it isn't illegal to park on the solid white line outside your flat.
dropped kerb
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