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Good valeo
Following your warning to get the type of radiator checked on older models (mine is a 270CDi estate, March 04) my dealer gave me the dreaded news that mine did indeed have a Valeo radiator. Given your advice to get it changed I asked for, and got an estimate. I thought it must be worth a punt to seek a contribution from Mercedes GB despite the fact that the car is over 4½ yrs old and with 80,000 on the clock. My dealer however offered to make the approach themselves, which has resulted in a contribution of 25% towards the labour, and 50% towards parts. OK so it shouldn’t need doing at all, but it is quite an old car and nothing had actually happened to the radiator itself. Many thanks for your advice.
Asked on 31 January 2009 by

That is an excellent result for a car that age, even though it's a known weakness. It won't cost the dealer or MBUK anything except a chunk of their margin. It is the right sort of gesture towards a customer. Another reader with an E270CDI got 75% of the cost, though his car may have been lower mileage.
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