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Traffic frights

I was reading through one of your website posts about traffic lights as I have a concern myself. I've been told not to worry but as I have only been driving for a year not worrying is very hard to do. I was approaching a junction doing 50 or less in a 50mph zone. As I was approaching the traffic lights were green, I saw them turn to amber but by the time I got there doing 50 it would have meant coming to a screeching halt and there were cars behind me so I decided to keep going. The light changed to red just as I crossed the line and I am now very concerned I have jumped a red light especially as I saw that the light in question has a grey camera on top that faces the direction in which I was going. Can I expect that dreaded letter through my door?

Asked on 29 May 2010 by LB, via email

Answered by Honest John
Maybe, maybe not. They usually make an allowance of about a second. But the police can take the view that if a light has been green for some time you should anticipate it changing to red and should prepare for this by slowing down. I have been campaigning for countdown signals on red and green lights, as used in Thailand, Canada and other countries but to no avail.
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