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Flashing in the park

Please help a damsel in distress. My Golf gets locked up in my community carpark. It seems its indicators start flashing of their own free will intermittently. No horn, just indicators. It seems it can do it for hours on and off, so my neighbour has told me. It would explain why I had a flat battery a couple of times. VW has plugged the car in to their 'computer' and it says there's no fault. I have witnessed its shenanigans myself when the car was parked on my friends drive once. Incidentally, the rear wiper can sometimes start wiping when its not meant to. Also, the headlights are meant to stay on for a few seconds after locking the car (when the headlights are on automatic) but this isn't always the case. Dodgy wiring? Any clues?

Asked on 29 May 2010 by LB, via email

Answered by Honest John
Yes, wiring fault. Switch off the interior light completely. That might solve it. Malfunctioning interior light delay switches are often the cause of flat batteries.
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