Derby City Council fixed local potholes very rapidly.

Fired with enthusiasm through reading your columns each week, and fed up with trying to drive down one local road that had a series of three or four deep potholes all in a line, and parked cars both sides of road, I reported the holes to my local authority, Derby City Council, online on the evening of 18 March 2013. It took only two minutes and was a very good website. It seemed too easy so I didn't hold out much hope. However, got an acknowledgement email from a real person on 19 March. On 20 March, another email said an inspector had been out on site and marked up the potholes ready for repair. I drove down the road at around noon on 21 March and the guys were working filling in the potholes. How wonderful is that?

Asked on 27 April 2013 by VS, Derby

Answered by Honest John
That's very good service by your local authority. But generally is better because then it becomes a matter of public record so if the council does not fill the holes it becomes liable for any damage they cause.
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