EC MPG figures

Hi Honest John, I'm one of the growing number of disollusioned people who bought a car in good faith, based upon MPG stats in manufacturers literature. (Mercedes 250 SE Cabrioliet Diesel auto) Literature claimed a combined of 53.3 mpg, I'm scraping 40mpg. Your colomn spells out the Lab conditions with which these numbers are achieved, and admits they are impossible to achieve in the real world. So how do we get the Gov to stop the Ind using these as a bona fide legitimate representation of the real world. If you were to run a campaign collecting names and addresses of disgruntled customers, the gov would have to react.

Asked on 21 February 2012 by Tonetone

Answered by Honest John
It isn't the Gov, it's the EC. But My editor Dan found something in an EC paper intimating that the test regime would have to be reformed. How that can be done is another matter. Would probably only have to be for new cars after a certain date. We are running a campaign. The Real Life Fuel Economy Register now has about 20,000 real life fuel economies recorded, here:
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